Version 1.6.1
This version contains bug fixes.
- [Fix] Fix a crash when network state changes at same time as SDK initializing.
- [Fix #664] Fix crashes when trying to detect we run on instrumented test environment.
- [Fix #649] Fix a deadlock when setting wrapper SDK information or setting log url while other channel operations performed such as when Crashes is starting.
- [Fix #670] Previous release was unintentionally requiring Mono 5.8 on iOS applications. This build issue is now fixed.
- [Fix #613] When marking an unhandled exception as handled, the SDK was shutting down and no further log could be sent. This is now fixed.
- [Fix] Fix a crash when calling
exception parameter with null, now prints an error instead. - [Fix] Fix a SDK crash while saving original crash if SDK cannot serialize the exception for client side inspection (with an exception that is not SerializableException).
- [Fix] When looking at
(await Crashes.GetLastSessionCrashReportAsync()).Exception
or when using the sending callbacks, the Exception object is now null instead of containing a serialization exception (on failure to get original exception object after restart). This is only for client side inspection, the crash stack trace is correctly reported to the server in all scenarios.
- [Fix] Fix reporting crash when process name cannot be determined.
- [Fix] Fix an issue in breadcrumbs feature when events are being tracked on the main thread just before a crash.
- [Fix] Fix an issue with cached logs for breadcrumbs feature which are sometimes not sent during app start.
- [Fix] Fix notification text being truncated when large and now supports multi-line.