Spring boot application to display a backlog's aggregate. All the backlogs must have the same columns and these must be configured in the configuration file below. You can define which columns are in the sprint.
You can summarize card values by their complexity. To take in account complexities, the card must be declared in Trello like this :
(businessComplexity) card title [consumedComplexity] {totalComplexity}
This application need bywan/trello-java-wrapper dependency but, for now, the PR for organization boards is not taken in account. Therefore, it is needed to use mickaelponsolle/trello-java-wrapper
You have to write a configuration file in the same folder than the application jar.
The configuration file looks like this :
proxy.host=[blank if not needed]
proxy.port=[blank if not needed]
proxy.user=[blank if not needed]
proxy.password=[blank if not needed]
trello.boards.pattern=^Backlog[A-Za-z0-9/é'èêàôù _()\\-]* #To analyse all boards which name starts with 'Backlog'
trello.column.allowed=Ideas, Writing in progress, User stories ready, To do, In progress, Done in sprint, Q&A, Ready To production, Done in production,0.2.0,0.1.0,0.0.2,0.0.1
trello.column.sprint=To do, In progress, Done in sprint
trello.column.readytodeliver=Ready To production
trello.column.delivered.all=Done in production,0.2.0,0.1.0,0.0.2,0.0.1
trello.column.delivered.total=Done in production
batch.frequency=0 * * * * *
To install the application with systemd, create a file trello-backlogs-aggregator.service in /etc/systemd/system like this :
Description=Trello Backlogs AggregatoR
ExecStart=/bin/sh -c "java -Dloader.path=[INSTALLATION_PATH] -jar [INSTALLATION_PATH]/trello-backlogs-aggregator-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar"