Slack Neuralyzer is a ruby gem for bulk delete messages and files on Slack channels.
The easiest way to clean up messages and files on Slack.
$ gem install slack_neuralyzer
slack_neuralyzer -t <TOKEN> -s
All user direct:
001. leon
002. slackbot
003. cleanerbot
All channels (public):
001. general
002. random
All groups (private):
001. private_channel
All multiparty direct:
001. mpdm-leon--cleanerbot-1
002. mpdm-leon--slackbot-1
Rerun below command and use
-e | --execute
to actually delete the message(s).
- Channel
-C | --channel
-D | --direct
-G | --group
-M | --mpdirect
# Delete all user messages in general channel
slack_neuralyzer -t <TOKEN> -m -C general -u all
# Delete all user messages in leon direct channel
slack_neuralyzer -t <TOKEN> -m -D leon -u all
# Delete all user messages in private_channel groups channel
slack_neuralyzer -t <TOKEN> -m -G private_channel -u all
# Delete all user messages in mpdm-leon--cleanerbot-1 multiparty direct channel
# (can `use slack_neuralyzer -t <TOKEN> -s` to see mpdirect channle name)
slack_neuralyzer -t <TOKEN> -m -M mpdm-leon--cleanerbot-1 -u all
- Specific user
-u | --user
# Delete leon messages in general channel
slack_neuralyzer -t <TOKEN> -m -C general -u leon
# if you want to specific all users, you can type 'all'
slack_neuralyzer -t <TOKEN> -m -C general -u all
- Specific Bot
-b | --bot
# Delete bots messages in general channel
slack_neuralyzer -t <TOKEN> -m -C general -b cleanerbot
# if you want to specific all bots, you can type 'all' (not bot users)
slack_neuralyzer -t <TOKEN> -m -C general -b all
- Delete message(s) between two dates
-A | --after
-B | --before
# Delete all user messages in general channel at 20160101 to 20161212
slack_neuralyzer -t <TOKEN> -m -C general -u all -A 20160101 -B 20161212
- Delete message(s) with specified text
-R | --regex
# Delete all user messages with hello string in general channel
slack_neuralyzer -t <TOKEN> -m -C general -u all -R hello
File types: all, spaces, snippets, images, gdocs, docs, zips, pdfs
Rerun below command and use
-e | --execute
to actually delete the message(s).
- Channel
-C | --channel
-D | --direct
-G | --group
-M | --mpdirect
# Delete all user upload all type file in general channel
slack_neuralyzer -t <TOKEN> -f all -C general -u all
# Delete leon upload all images file in leon direct channel
slack_neuralyzer -t <TOKEN> -f images -D leon -u leon
# Delete all user upload all pdfs file in private_channel groups channel
slack_neuralyzer -t <TOKEN> -f pdfs -G private_channel -u all
# Delete all user upload all zips file in mpdm-leon--cleanerbot-1 multiparty direct channel
# (can `use slack_neuralyzer -t <TOKEN> -s` to see mpdirect channle name)
slack_neuralyzer -t <TOKEN> -f zips -M mpdm-leon--cleanerbot-1 -u all
- Specific user and file type
-u | --user
-f | --file
# Delete leon upload images file in general channel
slack_neuralyzer -t <TOKEN> -f images -C general -u leon
- Delete file between two dates
-A | --after
-B | --before
# Delete all user upload all type file in general channel at 20160101 to 20161212
slack_neuralyzer -t <TOKEN> -f all -C general -u all -A 20160101 -B 20161212
-l | --log
# Generate a log file in the current directory in ./slack_neuralyzer/YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS
slack_neuralyzer -t <TOKEN> -m -C general -u all -A 20160101 -B 20161212 -l
-r | --rate
# Delay between API calls in seconds (default:0.05)
slack_neuralyzer -t <TOKEN> -m -C general -u all -r 0.01
-h | --help
slack_neuralyzer [options]
See for more information.
-t, --token TOKEN Slack API token (
-s, --show Show all users, channels, groups and multiparty direct names
-m, --message Specifies that the delete object is messages
-f, --file TYPE Specifies that the delete object is files of a certain type (Type: all, spaces, snippets, images, gdocs, docs, zips, pdfs)
-C, --channel CHANNEL Public channel name (e.g., general, random)
-D, --direct DIRECT Direct messages channel name (e.g., leon)
-G, --group GROUP Private groups channel name
-M, --mpdirect MPDIRECT Multiparty direct messages channel name (e.g., mpdm-leon--bot-1 [--show option to see name])
-u, --user USER Delete messages/files from the specific user (if you want to specific all users, you can type 'all')
-b, --bot BOT Delete messages from the specific bot (not bot users, if you want to specific all bots, you can type 'all')
-A, --after DATE Delete messages/files after than this time (YYYYMMDD)
-B, --before DATE Delete messages/files before than this time (YYYYMMDD)
-R, --regex TEXT Delete messages with specified text (regular expression)
-e, --execute Execute the delete task
-l, --log Generate a log file in the current directory
-r, --rate RATE Delay between API calls in seconds (default:0.1)
-v, --version Show the SlackNeuralyzer version
-h, --help Show this message
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at
- Copyright (c) 2016 Leon Ji. See LICENSE.txt for further details.
- The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.