OneNet is a stability based network inference aggregation method from whole metagenome sequencing data, which aims at fostering reproducibility and precision.
You can install the latest version of OneNet from the with the following command :
remotes::install_github(repo = "metagenopolis/OneNet@*release")
A tutorial on the liver cirrhosis dataset from Qin et. al 2014 is available. You need to build package vignettes.
remotes::install_github(repo = "metagenopolis/OneNet@*release", build_vignettes = TRUE, force=TRUE)
vignette(package='OneNet', "Demo_offline")
If you find OneNet useful, please cite:
Champion C, Momal R, Le Chatelier E, Sola M, Mariadassou M, Berland M (2024) OneNet—One network to rule them all: Consensus network inference from microbiome data. PLoS Comput Biol 20(12): e1012627.