A curated list of resources and tools to use and build mass spectral libraries.
- Specifications
- Spectral Libraries
- Quality Assessment
- Library Generation
- Handling of Spectral Libraries
- Compound Annotation
- Other Related Resources
- mzSpecLib: MS library format specifications
- MassBankEU, contribute spectra on GitHub
- MoNA (MassBank of North America)
- msPurity: R, purity score
- mzmine: Java, GUI/CLI, process MS data, ion mobility spectrometry, generate spectral libraries, visualize spectra
- RMassBank + scripts: Generate spectral libraries, requires specific data acquisition method
- MSMS-Chooser - Automatically select MS/MS from LC standard runs and generate GNPS libraries
- Metabolomics USI resolver: Web-tool, visualize library spectra and mirror plots
- FASST / fastMASST: Search single spectrum against public libraries or studies
- GNPS2: Web-apps, nextflow workflows, spectral library matching, molecular networking
- mzmine: Spectral library matching, molecular networking, MS2Deepscore (soon)
Contributions welcome! Read the contribution guidelines first.