Blippoo for Wingie 是一款小羽二代的替代固件,受到合成器设计师 Rob Hordijk(1958-2022)的作品 Blippoo Box 启发。
Blippoo for Wingie is an alternative firmware for Wingie2. The new firmware is inspired by Blippoo Box, a genius instrument created by Rob Hordijk (1958-2022), who contributed a lot to synthesizer design. May his spirit lives on in his instrument designs, thoughts, and influences.
The new firmware could turn your Wingie2 into a self-contained instrument capable of producing a variety of sounds and patterns. As a great companion, it will help you in your music-making practice especially when you want to applicate controlled chaos in your music.
使用右侧 Release 中的上传包进行操作
Use the upload pack in the Release section to the right.