The Envelope Budget API is designed to manage a portfolio budget using a budget envelope strategy. It allows you to create, read, update, and delete envelopes to help them track how much money you're spending on certain categories in your budget.
This API is part of a larger full-stack project. The complete project comprises a database, a front-end interface, and this API to handle the backend functionalities.
While the full-stack project is in progress, the API has been developed and made available here. The database and front-end components will most likely reside in separate GitHub repositories for which I will provide a link to in this repository on completion.
Node.js installed on your machine
Clone the repository:
git clone <>
Navigate to the project directory:
cd budget-api
Install dependencies:
npm install
To run the application locally:
npm start
Once the app is running, you can access the API at http://localhost:3000/
The following endpoints are available:
Retrieve all envelopes:
GET /api/v1/envelopes -
Retrieve a specific envelope by ID:
GET /api/v1/envelopes/{id} -
Create a new envelope:
POST /api/v1/envelopes -
Update an existing envelope by ID:
PUT /api/v1/envelopes/{id} -
Delete an envelope by ID:
DELETE /api/v1/envelopes/{id} -
Transfer money between envelopes:
POST /api/v1/envelopes/{senderID}/transfer/{recipientID}
Use a tool like Postman or cURL to interact with the API endpoints. Ensure proper authentication and data validation for production use.
This API was initially developed as part of the Backend Engineer Path on Codecademy. Course projects serve as the foundation, and I continuously strive to expand and enhance them to deepen my understanding and proficiency in utilizing the technologies covered.
Contributions are welcome! I apreciate any recommendations for improvement.
Made with 💛 by Melissa V. Herbst