This project consists of the files and Jupyter notebooks, used for the Master Thesis project, and the master thesis itself.
by Melania Berbatova, MSc in Artificial Intelligence, Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski"
The project consists of the following notebooks, listed in the order they are used in the project:
Data preparation - Exploratory data analysis and selection of the ratings and book metadata in goodbooks-10k
Tags exploration and selection - Exploratory data analysis and selection of the tags in goodbooks-10k
RecSys - TensorRec - Design of a recommendation system in TensorRec
Tag test set for tag relations - Definition of relations between tags and creation of subset for testing algroithms for relationship learning
Learning relations between tags - Testing different methods for learning relashions between tags; Clustering with DBSCAN
Stacked embeddings - Experiments with stacked embeddings
Tags to hierarchies - Exploring clustering and co-occurences
Tags to genres relations - Merging the tags dataset to an ontology of genres
Tags to DBPedia Nodes - Mapping tags to DBPedia nodes