- 算法repo: 辣鸡开发还要懂算法,还不滚去改需求?
- 原创repo: 这里没有原创内容,都是抄的!(大声BB)
- 工程repo:
- 【avbook】avbook无需介绍!
- 【AcFunDanmaku】骗香蕉用的!
- 【dongbei】瞅瞅,这都啥玩意儿!
- 【nbnhhsh】离了缩写,话都不会嗦了!
- 【BullshitGenerator】已阅,狗屁不通!
- 【ENIAC-Operating-Manual】提桶跑路!
- 【DeepNude_NoWatermark_withModel】步炮协同战术精讲!
- 【KeyBoardMoni】孤独的键盘毁灭者!
- 【moha】赛事快报:16进8!
- 【ReactionImageTagger】简易图片内容识别
- 【AcHelper】给老A站写的浏览器插件
- 【xxqg】自动学习工具
- 【nows】画饼充饥
- 【vscode-rainbow-fart】对自己好一点
- 正经repo:
- 学习积累:
- UNITY: https://github.com/megatontech/awesome-unity https://github.com/megatontech/ILSpy https://github.com/megatontech/3d-game-shaders-for-beginners https://github.com/megatontech/AssetStudio https://github.com/megatontech/xLua https://github.com/megatontech/ET https://github.com/megatontech/ml-agents https://github.com/megatontech/UnityCsReference https://github.com/megatontech/FPSSample https://github.com/megatontech/NavMeshComponents https://github.com/megatontech/PostProcessing
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