In my opinion, existing RSS Readers make everything to complicated. I just want to
- subscribe to feeds
- view one list with the unread news items of all the feeds
- view the body of these news item by walking this list
- open the news item in the default browser, in the background
- have a RSS Reader with a hilarious name
Once you have installed the necessary requirements in a Python 3.6 environment, boot the program with
To make the usage easier on Linux consider creating a Desktop icon with the following contents
[Desktop Entry]
Name=RSS Enterprise
Exec=/home/your_user_name/your_directory_with_the_env/rss_enterprise/bin/python /home/your_user_name/location_of_python_projects/rss_enterprise/
Walk through the news items with the arrow keys or mouse. Press ENTER to open the link in your default browser. Once you view a specific item, it will not reappear in the list ever again.
Once the browser is booted and your walk through the items the RSS Enterprise will regain focus everytime you open an item so you can first load all the items you want in the background, and after RSS Enterprise closes, you can read everything, preloaded.
Once you started the application the first time, in ~/.rss_enterprise/feeds.txt
you will find some default feeds. Replace them, or add feeds of your liking. For now you need to restart re-engage RSS Enterprise to reload your feeds.
- Make it available as a nice standalone app on
- Linux (apt)
- OSX (brew-cask)
- Windows
- Open the link in a browser in the background (already working, but experimental)
- Add easier way to edit the feeds (and refresh news items when adding/removing feeds)
- Put it on PyPi
- Clean up code
- Tests
- ...