This is a little bot for my school company, it helps us serve our customers.
Simplified, it works as follows:
- Client makes an order
- Employees get a notification that client made an order
- One employee takes an order
- He DMs the client, and they have an intelligent conversation about details
- Employee serves the client
- Client sends the money
- Employee marks the order as paid
Create a file vk_secrets.ini
in the vk/config
directory with the following
contents (you need to fill the {forms}):
token = {VK group token (allow group control and messages access)}
group_id = {ID of your VK group}
employees_chat_peer_id = {ID of chat with employees (actually peer_id; will look like 2000000001, you can get it by printing incoming messages)}
Just run file from the project's root directory.