We want to simplify the dependencies of our services when it comes to logging and metrics. So we think it makes the most sense to dump all metrics to stdout and then pipe them to where ever they need to go. This seems like a better alternative to using say one client for NewRelic's custom metrics and another client for statsd.
So to make this simple and parseable across the board, here's a logger you can use. It'll add some basic metrics gather functions for you to use.
If your project is based off of the blt-best-sbt-docker example or was generated from the core-best-service template, this library should already be included. If not, you'll need the following in your build.sbt:
resolvers += Resolver.bintrayRepo("meetup", "maven")
libraryDependencies += "com.meetup" %% "scala-logger" % "X.X.X"
See the "Download" badge above to determine the latest released version.
Implement the com.meetup.logging.Logging
trait. Your class will then
have access to log
and metric
object MyObject extends Logging {
def test() = {
log.info("Logging a message")
log.debug("Logging a debug message")
metric.time("stat.key") {
log.info("I'm timing this log statement.")
metric.gauge("stat.gauge.key", -2, delta = true)
This library uses log4j-jsonevent-layout as its logging layout and logs to stdout for info and debug and to stdout for error levels.