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Decompose Salesforce metadata into more manageable files for version control and recompose them for deployments.


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A Salesforce CLI plugin to break down large metadata files into smaller, more manageable files for version control and then recreate deployment-compatible files.


  • You must update the .forceignore to have the Salesforce CLI ignore the decomposed files created by this plugin. See section Ignore Files.
    • Updates to the .gitignore are optional if you are using this in a git-based repo and can be updated based on what you want to be staged in your repo.
  • It is recommended that you extensively test this plugin in a sandbox environment on the metadata types for which you wish to use this tool.
  • Do not change your production/QA pipelines until you have tested this and are happy with the results.
  • Ensure your deployment pipelines are stable before implementing this plugin.


sf plugins install [email protected]

Why Use this Plugin?

Why should you consider using this Salesforce CLI Plugin over Salesforce's decomposition?

  • Salesforce's decomposition betas are evaluated for each metadata type before they are considered. My plugin supports the vast majority of Salesforce metadata types available from the Metadata API.
  • Salesforce's decomposition is all or nothing for each metadata type. Meaning, if you want to decompose workflows, all of your workflows will need to be decomposed to work with Salesforce's approach. My plugin allows you to selectively decompose for each metadata type.
  • Some metadata types may only be partially decomposed by Salesforce such as permission sets based on what designs are picked. My plugin will allow for total decomposition. So if a user wants to fully decompose permission sets, they can use this plugin.


The sf-decomposer supports 2 commands:

  • sf decomposer decompose
  • sf decomposer recompose

sf decomposer decompose

Decomposes the original metadata files in all local package directories into smaller files for version control. If unique ID elements are found, the decomposed files will be named using them. Otherwise, the decomposed files will be named with the SHA-256 hash of the element contents.

Decomposed Permission Sets named using unique ID elements


Decomposed Custom Labels named using unique ID elements

Decomposed Application named using SHA-256 hashes of elements

  $ sf decomposer decompose -m <value> -f <value> -i <value> [--prepurge --postpurge --debug --json]

  -m, --metadata-type=<value>             The metadata suffix to process, such as 'flow', 'labels', etc. You can provide this flag multiple times to process multiple metadata types with a single command.
  -f, --format=<value>                    [default: 'xml'] The file type for the decomposed files. Must match what format you provide for recompose.
  -i, --ignore-package-directory=<value>  Package directories to ignore. Should be as they appear in the "sfdx-project.json" file.
                                          Can be declared multiple times.
  --prepurge                              [default: false] If provided, purge directories of pre-existing decomposed files.
  --postpurge                             [default: false] If provided, purge the original files after decomposing them.
  --debug                                 [default: false] If provided, log debugging results to a text file (disassemble.log).

  --json  Format output as json.

  Decompose large metadata files into smaller files.

  You should run this after you retrieve metadata from an org.

  Decompose all flows:

    $ sf decomposer decompose -m "flow" -f "xml" --prepurge --postpurge --debug

  Decompose all flows and custom labels:

    $ sf decomposer decompose -m "flow" -m "labels" -f "xml" --prepurge --postpurge --debug

  Decompose flows except for those in the "force-app" package directory.

    $ sf decomposer decompose -m "flow" -i "force-app"

sf decomposer recompose

Recompose decomposed files into deployment-compatible files.

  $ sf decomposer recompose -m <value> -f <value> -i <value> [--postpurge --debug --json]

  -m, --metadata-type=<value>               The metadata suffix to process, such as 'flow', 'labels', etc. You can provide this flag multiple times to process multiple metadata types with a single command.
  -f, --format=<value>                      [default: 'xml'] The file format for the decomposed files.
  -i, --ignore-package-directory=<value>    Package directories to ignore. Should be as they appear in the "sfdx-project.json" file.
                                            Can be declared multiple times.
  --postpurge                               [default: false] If provided, purge the decomposed files after recomposing them.
  --debug                                   [default: false] If provided, log debugging results to a text file (disassemble.log).

  --json  Format output as json.

  Recompose the decomposed files into deployment-compatible metadata files.

  You should run this before you deploy decomposed metadata to an org.

  Recompose all flows:

    $ sf decomposer recompose -m "flow" -f "xml" --postpurge --debug

  Recompose all flows and custom labels:

    $ sf decomposer recompose -m "flow" -m "labels" -f "xml" --postpurge --debug

  Recompose flows except for those in the "force-app" package directory.

    $ sf decomposer recompose -m "flow" -i "force-app"

Supported Metadata

All metadata types imported from this plugin's version of @salesforce/source-deploy-retrieve (SDR) toolkit are supported except for certain types.

The --metadata-type/-m flag should be the metadata's suffix value as listed in the metadataRegistry.json.

Here are some examples:

  • Custom Labels (--metadata-type "labels")
  • Workflows (--metadata-type "workflow")
  • Profiles (--metadata-type "profile")
  • Permission Sets (--metadata-type "permissionset")
  • AI Scoring Model Definition (--metadata-type "aiScoringModelDefinition")
  • Decision Matrix Definition (--metadata-type "decisionMatrixDefinition")
  • Bot (--metadata-type "bot")
    • NOTE: Running "bot" will also decompose and recompose Bot Version meta files. The botVersion meta suffix will be blocked from running directly.
  • Marketing App Extension (--metadata-type "marketingappextension")

Metadata Exceptions

  • botVersion is blocked from being ran directly. Please use the bot meta suffix to decompose and recompose bots and bot versions.
    Error (1): `botVersion` suffix should not be used. Please use `bot` to decompose/recompose bot and bot version files.
  • Custom Objects are not supported by this plugin.
    Error (1): Custom Objects are not supported by this plugin.
  • Metadata types such as Apex Classes, Apex Components, Triggers, etc. with certain SDR adapter strategies (matchingContentFile, digitalExperience, mixedContent, bundle) are not supported by this plugin.
    Error (1): Metadata types with [matchingContentFile, digitalExperience, mixedContent, bundle] strategies are not supported by this plugin.
  • Children metadata types (i.e. custom fields) are not supported and will result in this general error:
    Error (1): Metadata type not found for the given suffix: field.

Warnings and Logging

The plugin searches the current working directory for the sfdx-project.json, and if it's not found in the current working directory, it will search upwards for it until it hits your root drive. If the sfdx-project.json file isn't found, the plugin will fail with:

Error (1): sfdx-project.json not found in any parent directory.

The package used to decompose and recompose XMLs, xml-disassembler, will log errors, and optionally debugging statements, to a log file, disassemble.log. This log will be created in the working directory and will be created when running this plugin at all times. If there were no XML decomposing/recomposing errors, this log will simply be empty.

By default, this package will only log errors to the file. This plugin will print xml-disassembler errors as warnings in the command terminal to allow all other files to be processed.

These warnings when running decompose and recompose commands will look as such:

Warning: C:\Users\matth\Documents\sf-decomposer\test\baselines\flows\Get_Info\actionCalls\Get_Info.actionCalls-meta.xml was unabled to be parsed and will not be processed. Confirm formatting and try again.

To add additional debugging statements to the log file, provide the --debug flag to either command to generate additional logging statements to disassemble.log.

General debugging statements in the log file will look like:

[2024-03-30T14:28:37.959] [DEBUG] default - Created disassembled file: mock\no-nested-elements\HR_Admin\HR_Admin.permissionset-meta.xml

Recommend adding the disassemble.log to your .gitignore file if you are using this in a git-based repo.

Ignore Files when Decomposing

If you wish, you can create an ignore file in the root of your repository named .sfdecomposerignore to ignore specific XMLs when running the decompose command. The ignore file should follow .gitignore spec 2.22.1.

When the decompose command is ran with the --debug flag and it processes a file that matches an entry in .sfdecomposerignore, a warning will be printed to the disassemble.log:

[2024-05-22T09:32:12.078] [WARN] default - File ignored by .sfdecomposerignore: C:\Users\matth\Documents\sf-decomposer\test\baselines\bots\Assessment_Bot\v1.botVersion-meta.xml

The ignore file is not read by the recompose command.


NOTE: In order to avoid errors during the retrieval, you must configure your .forceignore file to have the Salesforce CLI ignore the decomposed files. See "Ignore Files" section below.

A post-retrieve hook (for the decompose command) and a pre-run hook (for the recompose command) have been configured if you elect to use them. The post-retrieve hook will automatically decompose the desired metadata types after every Salesforce CLI retrieval (sf project retrieve start command). The pre-run hook will automatically recompose the desired metadata types before every Salesforce CLI deployment/validation (sf project deploy start and sf project deploy validate commands).

Both hooks require you to create this file in the root of your repo: .sfdecomposer.config.json. You can use the sample .sfdecomposer.config.json provided. Update the file as such:

  • metadataSuffixes is required and should be a comma-separated string of metadata suffixes to decompose automatically after retrievals.
  • ignorePackageDirectories is optional and should be a comma-separated string of package directories to ignore.
  • prePurge is optional and should be a boolean. If true, this will delete any existing decomposed files before decomposing the files. If you do not provide this, the default will be false. This flag is not used by the recompose command/pre-run hook.
  • postPurge is optional and should be a boolean. If true, this will delete the retrieval file after decomposing it or delete the decomposed files after recomposing them. If you do not provide this, the default will be false.
  • decomposedFormat is optional and should be either xml, json, or yaml, depending on what file format you want the decomposed files created as. If you do not provide this, the default will be xml.

If the .sfdecomposer.config.json file isn't found, the hooks will be skipped.

Ignore Files

You must update the .forceignore to have the Salesforce CLI ignore the decomposed files created by this plugin. Optionally, you can add the recomposed files to your .gitignore to avoid staging those in your git-based repository.

.forceignore updates

The Salesforce CLI should ignore the decomposed files and should allow the recomposed files.

You can use the sample .forceignore provided. Update the decomposed file extensions based on what format you're using (.xml, .json, or .yaml).

.gitignore updates

I recommend having Git (or whatever version control system you are using) ignore the recomposed files so you don't stage those in your repositories. You can also ignore the log created by the disassembler package.

You can use the sample .gitignore provided.


If you encounter any issues, please create an issue in the repository's issue tracker. Please also create issues for feature enhancements or to support newer metadata types added to the SDR toolkit.


This project is licensed under the MIT license. Please see the LICENSE file for details.


Decompose Salesforce metadata into more manageable files for version control and recompose them for deployments.








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