This package contains function components, live components, and default styles.
To demo all of the mbta_metro
%> npm install --prefix assets
%> mix deps.get
%> mix phx.server
Now you can visit http://localhost:4000
from your browser.
If you have a clean, recent installation of Phoenix, you should already have Tailwind installed. If not, you can follow this guide.
Add this to your mix.exs
def deps do
{:mbta_metro, ">= 0.0.0"}
Import mbta_metro
's styles in your assets/css/app.css
@import "../node_modules/@mbta/rider-design-system/dist/variables.light.css" (prefers-color-scheme: light);
@import "../node_modules/@mbta/rider-design-system/dist/variables.dark.css" (prefers-color-scheme: dark);
@import "../../deps/mbta_metro/priv/static/assets/default.css";
Make sure your assets are in line with the hex version of mbta_metro
%> mix mbta_metro.update_assets
You can then use some defaults in your assets/tailwind.config.js
const {colors, content, fontFamily, plugins, safelist} = require("mbta_metro")
module.exports = {
content: [
safelist: [
plugins: [
...plugins(), // Note that this is a function
theme: {
extend: {
colors: {
fontFamily: {
If you want to use mbta_metro
's LiveComponents, you'll need to add its hooks in your assets/js/app.js
import {Hooks} from "mbta_metro"
let liveSocket = new LiveSocket("/live", Socket, {
hooks: {
If you want to include hooks individually, you can do so:
import {Map} from "mbta_metro"
let liveSocket = new LiveSocket("/live", Socket, {
hooks: {
Along with all of the free Font Awesome icons, you can add custom icons by pointing to any directory you like. E.g.,
config :mbta_metro, custom_icons: "#{File.cwd!()}/priv/static/icons/your-directory/your-icon.svg"
SVGs in the above directory will be turned into icons and can be used as follows:
<.icon type="your-directory" name="your-icon" class="..." />
Some components, like the Map, take further configuration.
The map components uses maplibre-gl so you must pass in config with a valid style spec.
You can use an external style source.
@api_key = Application.compile_env!("MBTA_METRO_MAP_API_KEY")
config :mbta_metro, :map, %{
style: "{@api_key}"
If you do use an external source you'll have to make sure it is defined in your CSP (assuming you have one):
"child-src blob: ;",
"connect-src *",
"worker-src blob: ;"
Or, you can define your own style.
config :mbta_metro, :map, config: %{
center: [-71.0589, 42.3601],
style: %{
"version" => 8,
"sources" => %{...},
"layers" => %{...}
zoom: 15
Because we ship Mbta Metro's javascript via hex and not npm, installing the library works a little differently than normal.
We included a mix task mix mbta_metro.update_assets
that will install the javascript along with its dependencies in the normal Phoenix node_modules
When you go to build and compile your application you might run into errors about Mbta Metro's dependencies not being found.
If you are building in an environment where you have Elixir and Node in the same image, you can simply run the above mix task.
If you only have Node in the image, you can run the underlying npm command that mix tasks calls:
%> npm install --prefix assets -S -install-links deps/mbta_metro/priv/
You can publish a new release with a single script:
%> git checkout main
%> git pull origin main
%> ./release
Please enter a release level [patch | minor | major]: patch
%> git push origin main