This repo was developed as part on an effort to dive hands-on into DP. It presents a naive implementation of basic DP framework and algorithms, as described in:
Dwork, Cynthia, and Aaron Roth. "The algorithmic foundations of differential privacy." Foundations and Trends® in Theoretical Computer Science 9.3–4 (2014): 211-407.
The code is heavily documented, and follows pseudocode available on the book mentioned above.
For usage samples, see tests
|--data: framework
| |--curator: OnlineCurator
| |--database: Universe, Database
| |--query: Query, Utility
|--mechanism: general purpose DP algorithms
| |--basic: laplace, exponential, report_noisy_max
| |--multiqueries: small_db, AboveThreshold (AT), Private Multiplicative Weights (PMW)
|--tests: usage samples for framework, algorithms and mechanisms
| |--mock: generate database, linear query and categorical linear query (utility)
| |--test_*: usage samples