vars-annotation 2.0.7
This release requires at least annosaurus 1.0.0 and vampire-squid 1.0.0. If you have an existing VARS installation use VARS Annotation 1.5.3 instead.
The major changes are:
Reduced “chattiness” with backend services. Previously there were two calls made everytime after an annotation was created. One to get the current annotation count to display in the media tab. Another to get the ancillary data for the annotation. These calls are now only made if the widget that needs the info is actually visible.
Updating concepts/groups/activites in the bulk editors is MUCH faster and reliable now. I tested with unto 3500 rows and it worked fast. Be warned that undoing 3500 rows of changes will take quite a bit of time though as each row has to be reverted individually.
Updated JavaFX from version 21.0.1 to 22
What's Changed
- Feature/hibernate by @hohonuuli in #172
Full Changelog: 2.0.1...2.0.7