Example running Waveshare 7in5 with cmake (this can be update base on your support screen)
Required :
- Waveshare 7in5 connecting with Raspberry (0 or 4 tested)
- Installed Library of GPIO suggested by waveshare :
- bcm2835 (set on my example in app/CMakeLists.txt line 15)
- wiringPi (follow same path for bcm2835 in this CMakeLists)
- install cmake minimum VERSION 3.23 or change it to the principal CMakeLists.txt
Installation: All command run in raspberry and I used sudo as recommended by waveshare
- open a terminal in root of the project
- mkdir build && cd build
- sudo cmake ..
- sudo make
- sudo ./app/Executable (launch the main)
Where to find library .so or .a ? look in build directory and search in every library.