C++17 command line parsing inspired by Python optparse library. It uses GNU getopt_long
for actuall command line parsing.
#include <optparse/optparse.h>
#include <iostream>
using optparse::string_view;
int main(int ac, char** av) {
bool a1 = false;
int a2 = 0;
double a3 = 0;
string_view a4 = "empty";
std::vector<int> a5{1, 2, 3};
optparse::Parser parser;
.option('b', "bool", "BOOL", &a1, "bool option, value is %value.")
.option('i', "int", "INT", &a2, "int option, value is %value.")
.option('d', "double", "DOUBLE", &a3, "double option, value is %value.")
.option('s', "string", "STRING", &a4, "string option, value is %value.")
.option('v', "vector", "LIST", optparse::split_comma(&a5), "a vector option, value is %value.")
auto pos_args = parser.parse(ac, av);
if(parser.help()) {
// Output help with the current values.
std::cout << parser;
// Output positional arguments..
for(auto arg : pos_args)
std::cout << arg << ' ';
std::cout << '\n';
$ git clone https://github.com/max0x7ba/optparse.git
$ make -rC optparse -j8
$ ./optparse/build/release/gcc/example -b --int 1 --double 3.14 --string abc --vector 3,2,1 -h hello optparse
-h, --help : Display this help.
-b, --bool=BOOL : bool option, value is 1.
-i, --int=INT : int option, value is 1.
-d, --double=DOUBLE : double option, value is 3.14.
-s, --string=STRING : string option, value is abc.
-v, --vector=LIST : a vector option, value is 1.
hello optparse
Copyright (c) 2020 Maxim Egorushkin. MIT License. See the full licence in file LICENSE.