csvpp is a collection of RFC 4180 compliant CSV readers and writers. All 3 modules are totally independent of each other, so feel free to use whichever best suits you application
- Read in rows of data as std::vectors or std::tuples, a stream, field-by-field, iterators, or with variadic argmuents
- Template type conversion available for all of the above (when reading a vector, the whole row will be converted to the same type)
Some example usages:
#include <csvpp/csv.hpp>
std::ifstream mycsv_file{"mycsv.csv"};
csv::Reader mycsv{mycsv_file}; // open a std::istream
for(auto && row: mycsv) // row is a csv::Row object
for(auto && column: row) // column is a std::string. To get another type,
// use Row::Range. For example:
// for(auto && column: row.range<int>())
// process columns
csv::Reader mycsv2{"mycsv2.csv"}; // open by filename
auto all_data = mycsv2.read_all<int>(); // returns a std::vector<std::vector<T>>
csv::Reader mycsv3{csv::Reader::input_string, "A,B,C\nD,E,F\nG,H,I"}; // read from a string
char a;
std::string b;
My_type c; // can auto-convert any type T that has an std::ostream & operator>>(std::ostream &, const T &)
auto row = mycsv3.get_row();
row >> a >> b >> c;
row = mycsv3.get_row();
row.read_v(a, b, c);
row = mycsv3.get_row();
auto row_tuple = row.read_tuple<char, std::string, My_type>();
- Write data as vectors, tuples, a stream, field-by-field, iterators, or variadicaly
Some example usages:
std::ofstream mycsv_file{"mycsv.csv"};
csv::Writer mycsv{mycsv_file};
std::vector row = …;
mycsv.write_row(std::begin(row), std::end(row));
mycsv.write_row(row); // ranges supported too
int field1 = …;
std::string field2 = …;
My_type field3 = …";
mycsv << field1 << field2 << field3 << csv::end_row;
mycsv.write_row_v(field1, field2, field3);
- Read / Write rows as std::maps with column headers as keys Some example usages:
for(auto row = csv::Map_reader_iter{csv::Reader::input_string, "Col1,Col2,Col3\nA,B,C"}; row != csv::Map_reader_iter{}; ++row)
assert((*row)["Col1"] == "A");
for(auto && [k,v]: *row)
std::cout<<k<<": "<<v<<"\n";
csv::Map_writer_iter<std::string, int> mycsv{"mycsv4.csv", {"Col1", "Col2", "Col3"}};
std::map<std::string, int> row;
row["Col1"] = 1;
row["Col2"] = 2;
row["Col3"] = 3;
*mycsv++ = row;
Some example usages:
#include <csvpp/csv.h>
CSV_reader * mycsv = CSV_reader_init_from_filename("mycsv.csv");
CSV_row * row = NULL;
while((row = CSV_reader_read_row(mycsv)))
size_t num_fields = CSV_row_size(row);
if(num_fields >= 1)
char * field = CSV_strdup(CSV_row_get(row, 0));
// Process field;
// get read-only array of strings for the row:
const char * const * arr = CSV_row_arr(row);
CSV_reader * mycsv2 = CSV_reader_init_from_str("A,B,C\nD,E,F\n");
char * field = CSV_reader_read_field(mycsv2);
if(CSV_reader_get_error(mycsv2) != CSV_EOF)
fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s\n", CSV_reader_get_error_msg(mycsv2));
// Process field
// Process end of row
Some example usages:
#include <csvpp/csv.h>
CSV_writer * mycsv = CSV_writer_init_from_filename("mycsv.csv");
CSV_row * row = CSV_row_init();
CSV_row_append(row, CSV_strdup("field1"));
CSV_row_append(row, CSV_strdup("field2"));
CSV_row_append(row, CSV_strdup("field3"));
CSV_writer_write_row(mycsv, row);
CSV_writer_write_row_v(mycsv, "A", "B", "C", NULL);
CSV_writer_write_field(mycsv, "D");
CSV_writer_write_field(mycsv, "E");
CSV_writer_write_field(mycsv, "F");
char * data[10];
CSV_writer_write_row_ptr(mycsv, data, 10);
- Allows reading input character-by-character, so unbuffered input may be read
- Compile with EMBCSV_NO_MALLOC to prevent heap memory allocation
Some example usages:
#include <csvpp/embcsv.h>
EMBCSV_reader * mycsv = EMBCSV_reader_init();
char c = my_wait_for_serial_byte();
const char * field_out = NULL;
EMBCSV_result r = EMBCSV_reader_parse_char(mycsv, c, &field_out);
else if(r == EMBCSV_FIELD || r == EMBCSV_END_OF_ROW)
- CMake
- A C++ compiler with C++17 support
- A C compiler with C99 support
- CMake 3.14.2 or higher (only required if installing or building tests / examples)
- No external libraries required!
Installation is not strictly required. You can directly include the relevant files into your own project:
- C++ library
- include/csvpp/csv.hpp
- C library
- include/csvpp/csv.h
- src/csv.c
- Embedded C library
- include/csvpp/embcsv.h
- src/embcsv.c
To build and install:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. <build option arguments>
# installation
make install
# OR
Build options
- Enable C++ library. Enabled by default-DCSVPP_ENABLE_C=1
- Enable C library.-DCSVPP_ENABLE_EMBEDDED=1
- Enable embedded C library.-DCSVPP_ENABLE_ALL=1
- Enable all libraries-DCSVPP_EMBEDDED_NO_MALLOC=1
- Disable heap allocation for embedded library-DCSVPP_ENABLE_EXAMPLES=1
- Enable example utility programs-DCSVPP_INTERNAL_DOCS=1
- Include private method documentation for doc target-DBUILD_TESTING=1
- Enable tests
If installed, pkg-config and CMake files will be installed.
To include libraries with pkg-config:
- C++ library
pkg-config --cflags csvpp
- C library
pkg-config --cflags --libs csvpp-c
- Embedded C library
pkg-config --cflags --libs csvpp-embcsv
To include libraries with CMake:
add_executable(myproj …)
target_link_libraries(myproj … csvpp::csvpp) # for C++ library
target_link_libraries(myproj … csvpp::csv) # for C library
target_link_libraries(myproj … csvpp::embcsv) # for embedded C library
Or, if you have included the csvpp as a submodule of your project:
add_executable(myproj …)
target_link_libraries(myproj … csvpp::csvpp) # for C++ library
target_link_libraries(myproj … csvpp::csv) # for C library
target_link_libraries(myproj … csvpp::embcsv) # for embedded C library
To run test suite, generate with -DBUILD_TESTING=1
and make test
Documentation can be built with doxygen (if installed). make doc