AffinityUI is an abstraction over the legacy GUI system for the Unity game engine. It provides a declarative layout model and rich data binding, with minimal overhead.
This complex UI:
Is generated only with this block of code:
UI.GUILayout(this, new Window(new Rect(100, 100, 500, 500))
.Title("Window Title")
.Content(new TabControl()
.AddPage("Page 1",
new VerticalPanel()
.Add(new Button("A Button")
.Style(() =>
// This will print "A Button was clicked" on each click
.OnClicked(s => print(s.Label() + " was clicked"))
.Add(new PasswordField("Password")
.Tooltip("Your secret's safe with me").OK
.Add(new Toggle("Checkbox 1")
// Bind the value of the checkbox to the Option1 variable
.IsChecked().BindTwoWay(() => Option1, v => Option1 = v)
.OnToggled((source, old, nw) => print(source.Label() + " is now " + nw))
// Binding to the visible property makes this control only visible
// when Option1 is true, letting us show/hide it using the Toggle control below
.Visible().BindOneWay(() => Option1)
.Add(new Toggle("Toggle hidden options")
// Bind the value of the checkbox to the Option1 variable
.IsChecked().BindTwoWay(() => Option1, v => Option1 = v)
// Print to the console each time the value changes
.OnToggled((source, old, nw) => print(source.Label() + " is now " + nw))
.Add(new Button("Unity skin")
.OnClicked(s => ui.ByID<Window>("window").Skin(null))
.Skin(null, true)
.Add(new Button("KSP skin")
.OnClicked(s => ui.ByID<Window>("window").Skin(HighLogic.Skin))
.Skin(HighLogic.Skin, true)
.Add(new HorizontalPanel()
.Add(new TextField("0")
.Add(new HorizontalSlider(0, 50)
() => ui.ByID<TextField>("sl1").Text().SafeToFloat(),
(v) => ui.ByID<TextField>("sl1").Text(v.ToString("0.00"))
.AddPage("Page 2",
new VerticalPanel()
.Add(new Button("Another Button")
.Add(new AutoSpace(50))
.Add(new TextField("Text goes here"))
.Add(new Toggle("Checkbox 1")
.Visible().BindOneWay(() => Option1)
.AddPage("Page 3",
new ScrollView()
.Add(new VerticalPanel()
.Add(new Button("This button adds controls")
.OnClicked(src => ui.ByID<VerticalPanel>("panel").Add(
new Button("Hello!").OnClicked(s => s.ParentAs<VerticalPanel>().Remove(s))
.AddPage("Page 4",
new TextArea()
.Title().BindOneWay(() => "title is " + ui.ByID<PasswordField>("pw1").Password())
It's quite a bit of code, but a fraction of what you'd need to do it with raw Unity GUI, and also much, much easier to write and maintain. This example is a bit long because it's meant to showcase most of the features in the framework.
Documentation is thin a the moment, but I'll improve it if I get some community feedback. I put together this project years ago but lost interest in game development as more pressing life issues took over. I'm re-releasing it with the KSP community in mind. If you think this is useful to you, please drop me a line!
It's just a standard Visual Studio/MonoDevelop solution. The only thing you have to do is re-symlink UnityEngine.dll and Assembly-CSharp.dll under lib/ to point to your Unity installation (or game, such as KSP). You can also just copy the binaries into lib/.
MIT license, see