Java tool for creating events based on vacancies and worktimes. The tool will create a new ics file for each matched event and output a new ics file which contains events based on your vacancies, preferred working hours and the date of the matched event.
This tool can be very useful if you need to calculate mandatory preperation time or afterwork hours for your university/classes.
You need to provide in the config file a URL to an existing ics file. Define your vacancies in the worktime node. You can give to each vacancy a priority (smallest will be reserved first, largest will be tried to kept free). Define a set of Regex patterns which matches against the events given in the downloaded ics file.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<calendar name="CALENDAR_NAME">
<!-- indexed by 7 = Sunday -->
<time day="7" from="08:00" to="12:00" priority="1" />
<time day="7" from="13:00" to="18:00" priority="1"/>
<time day="1" from="19:00" to="22:00" priority="2" />
<assignment pattern="REGEX_PATTERN_FOR_EVENTS_IN_DOWNLOADED_ICS" travelhours="2">
<task name="EVENTS_BEFORE" type="before" hours="6" />
<task name="EVENTS_AFTER" type="after" hours="1" />
The attribute name
of the xml node task
can contain the following placeholders
Placeholder | Description |
{page.index} | if the task gets splitted the index represents the current chunk |
{} | total number of chunks |
{} | name of the event which has been matched |
{event.start} | start datetime of the event |
{event.end} | end datetime of the event |
{event.duration} | duration in hours of the event |
{event.end} | end datetime fo the event |
{from} | start datetime of the created task event |
{to} | end datetime of the created task event |
{duration} | duration in hours of the created task event |
The command can parse the following arguments
Argument | Long | Description |
h | help | shows help message |
V | version | prints out current version |
v | verbose | turns on verbose mode |
c | configuration | location of the configuration file (default: config.xml) |
f | file | location for the output file of the ICS file (default: out.ics) |