Integrate release-it for publishing to NPM (af8ed6c )
Prepare package.json for publishing (43b2c9a )
Add link to TypeDoc docs hosted on GitHub Pages (b64e4ed )
Tweak TypeDoc configuration (447ebf1 )
Document type parameters (a2131e3 )
Add JSDoc comments to document public interface (ea86af6 )
Generate docs with TypeDoc (828ebe0 )
Add usage instructions to README (9435d77 )
Rename isValue to hasValue, isKey to hasKey, isEntry to hasEntry (733d42d )
Extract duplicate extend/exclude return types to helper types (e7c454c )
Change interface to callable Enum object with extend/exclude methods (d645645 )
Document motivation in README (222730e )
Test and implement $exclude function (dd64545 )
Allow mutating result of values, keys or entries (fb15600 )
Test and implement $extend function (fbeed67 )
API renamings: ValueOf->InferValue, KeyOf->InferKey, obj-> object (2bf44f1 )
Infer specific key type in keyOf method (0ec18f2 )
Write type tests with tsd (d1fa251 )
Implement $enum function (01c9a85 )
Write unit tests for $enum function (bf7d2f0 )
Library setup (4e4e80b )
Initial commit (194717f )
You can’t perform that action at this time.