A lightweight python toolkit for generating gromacs topology template.
git clone https://github.com/masrul/GenTopo
cd GenTopo
pip install .
Case-1: Creating gromacs topology template
GenTopo is primarily used for creating gromacs topology template. It requires a PDB file of molecule, which has two extra entries after 80th column
respectively atomTypes and charges. An example PDB file can be found in Example/test.pdb.
It is recommended to have connectivity information in the PDB file, but not manadatory. If connectivity is
missing, then code will generate connectivity information using heuristic of Van der Waals
radius of atoms. In addition to internal coordinates, it also creates all required bondTypes, angleTypes, and dihedralTypes. GenTopo is independent of particular force filed, it simply creates template. User needs to provide required parameters once template is created. An example topology template created by GenTopo can be found in Example/topol.top.
# File name: Example/test.py
from GenTopo.Coord import PDBobj
from GenTopo.Graph import MolGraph
from GenTopo.GMXTopo import Topo
# load a PDB file
mol = PDBobj("test.pdb")
# Pass mol object to Graph for generating bond, angles, dihedral etc.
# User can also request for creating improper dihedral for aromatic molecules.
graph = MolGraph(mol, guessImpropers=True)
# Now create gromacs topology by passing mol and graph
gmx = Topo(mol, graph)
# write topology file
Case-2: Using molecular graph for any topology template
GenTopo can also be used for creating other topology format, such as NAMD PSF, Lammps data file. Once molecular-graph is created by GenTopo, user can post-process for particular file format.
# File name: Example/test2.py
from GenTopo.Coord import PDBobj
from GenTopo.Graph import MolGraph
mol = PDBobj("test.pdb")
graph = MolGraph(mol, guessImpropers=True)
# accessing bonds
for bond in graph.bonds:
pass #process as needed by user
# accessing angles
for angle in graph.angles:
# accessing dihedrals
for dihedral in graph.dihedrals:
Case-3: Creating graph from bond list rather than PDB file
GenTopo's MolGraph can be initialized with plain python list in addition to PDB object.
# File name: Example/test3.py
from GenTopo.Graph import MolGraph
# Define bonds as python list
bonds = [(1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4), (4, 5), (5, 6), (6, 1)]
# Create graph from bond list
graph = MolGraph(bonds)
# Write/Process as needed
Masrul Huda (c) 2021