A system to detect drowsiness using extracted HOG facial landmarks. Developed as a part of CSE 4510: Software Development.
- Mashrur Mahmud Morshed(@ID56)
- Hasan Tanvir Iqbal(@TanvirHundredOne)
- Mazharul Islam Rishad(@Aporamithos)
- Detects drowsiness from a real-time video stream
- Calculates number of blinks of driver and shows on output display
- Shows runtime information on display
- Generates an excel file(.csv format) containing metadata:
- Eye position per three seconds
- Blinks per ten seconds
- Drowsiness event timestamp
- System start and end timestamp
- Effective frame rate
- Python
- OpenCV
- Anaconda distribution
-The Pyimagesearch BLog, for it's neat drowsiness tutorials.