This is a branch predictor project which uses 4 types of algorithms: Bimodal, G-Shared, P-shared and Tournament.
To run each specific algorithm, you will need to input this cmds in your terminal:
-s stands for the amount of PC bits used for indexing
-bp stands for and int number between 0 and 3 denoting the predictor you want to utilize
-gh stands for the global history size
-lh stands for the local history size
python --bp 0 -s 8
python --bp 2 -s 8 --lh 12
python --bp 1 -s 12 --gh 6
python --bp 3 -s
Note: The file that you want to process has to have the following syntax (T stands for "taken" and N for "not taken"). The first number stands for the PC direction of the instruction that will take (or not) the branch.
3086629576 T
3086629604 T
3086629599 N
3086629604 T