Version 1.5.4
- improve text input in new height map dialog (#77 / 6bfd824)
- add rotate button to edit tab (#85 / e9eabf1)
- add non-fatal warnings to gcode parser (f559415)
now some errors do not prevent previewing / editing a file, use with caution as using any edit functions might produce incorrect results
OpenCNCPilot is now also aware of which axes have been specified in absolute terms.
This means that there are new restrictions as to what code can be executed in a file before the position is fully defined.
for example, this would be ok:
G0 Z10
G0 X5 Y0
G1 Z-5
and this wouldn't, as the toolpath produced by G1 Z-5
still depends on the initial position before the file is run:
G0 X5 Y0
G1 Z-5
this particular example only raises a warning, which can be ignored.
Errors are produced when using incremental motion (G91) or using arcs (G2/G3) before an absolute position is established.
This change prevents a rare error when a file starts with something like "G1 F500". If a height map is applied at this point and the z depth at (0, 0) is not exactly zero, this line would be converted to "G1 Z(z depth)", essentially driving the cutter straight into the PCB.
Before this change, G0 X0 Y0
would also be ignored if there was no previous motion to other XY coordinates beforehand.
Happy Christmas, everybody!