##Getting the development cycle up and running.
- Homebrew
####Get the source:
git clone https://github.com/martijngorree/martijngorree.com.git
####Install the dependencies
npm install bower -g
npm install babel-cli -g
npm install webpack -g
npm install
brew install libsass sassc
####Mongodb (if you don't have it already)
brew install mongodb
brew services start mongodb
I use mongo-express for a GUI for mongodb:
npm install mongo-express
cd node_modules/mongo-express
cp config.default.js config.js
Edit the config.js so that it connects to the martijngorree db by default:
... SNIP ...
mongo = {
db: 'martijngorree',
host: 'localhost',
password: 'pass',
port: 27017,
ssl: false,
url: 'mongodb://localhost:27017/db',
username: 'admin',
... SNIP ...
Then you need to create the martijngorree database and create the db user:
$ mongo
> use martijngorree;
> db.createUser({user: 'admin', pwd: 'pass', roles:['dbAdmin']});
###To start
####Running it
To get the development chain running, open two terminals and in the first do:
npm run watch-css
And in the second:
npm run watch-js
To get the server version running is a story for another time (TODO).