Scrapify is a simple CLI that scrapes album names from a webpage using CSS selectors and turns them into a Spotify playlist.
Run the tool with npm start
You'll be asked for a full URL and a CSS-style query selector to find your album titles.
You can provide an existing playlist ID to add the tracks to, or the name of a new playlist to create.
Let's say we want to scrape Pitchfork's Best New Albums.
Our URL is, and our query selector is #best-new-albums .title
. Easy.
To fine-tune our search terms, we can add multiple selectors (comma-separated) that get merged together, like:
#best-new-albums .artist-list, #best-new-albums .title
This will find the artist name and album title and merge them together, so our Spotify search is a little more specific.
All the heavy lifting here is done by Spotify Web API Node, Cheerio and Chalk, so shout out to the owners and contributors of those projects.