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added build process
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markdomansky committed Jul 13, 2021
1 parent 2770352 commit 6e55657
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Showing 12 changed files with 781 additions and 30 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions .gitignore
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -289,3 +289,5 @@ __pycache__/
58 changes: 58 additions & 0 deletions Build/Build.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
$buildpath = $PSScriptRoot

$buildbin = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\MSBuild\Current\Bin\amd64\msbuild.exe"
$publishtemp = "$buildpath\temp"
$solutionpath = resolve-path "$buildpath\..\webjea"
$solutionfile = "$solutionpath\webjea.sln"
$publishpath = "$solutionpath\bin"
$packagepath = "$buildpath\Package"
$assemblyFile = "$solutionpath\My Project\AssemblyInfo.vb"
# $projpath = "C:\prj\webjea ce\WebJEA\WebJEA\WebJEA.vbproj"
$dllfile = "$publishpath\webjea.dll"
# $projxml = [xml](gc $projpath -raw)
$outpath = "C:\prj\webjea ce\Release"

$buildDT = get-date
$Major = 1
$Minor = 1
$build = "{0}{1}" -f $builddt.tostring('yy'),$builddt.DayOfYear.tostring('000')
[int]$rev = (($builddt.hour*60 + $builddt.minute)*60 + $builddt.second) /2
$ver = "{0}.{1}.{2}.{3}" -f $major, $minor, $build, $rev

#<Assembly: AssemblyVersion("")>
$assemblyinfo = gc $assemblyfile | ?{$_ -notlike '*AssemblyVersion*'}
$assemblyinfo += '<Assembly: AssemblyVersion("{0}")>' -f $ver
$assemblyinfo | out-file $assemblyfile -Encoding UTF8

#call build process
& $buildbin $solutionfile "/t:Restore;Rebuild" "/property:Configuration=Release" #"/v:diag"
if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { Write-Warning "Build Failed"; return}

$curver = [System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo]::GetVersionInfo($dllfile).FileVersion
Write-Host "Release Version: $curver"

$outfile = "$outpath\webjea-$"
if ((Test-Path $outfile)) { Remove-Item $outfile }
Write-Host "Target File; $outfile"

& robocopy.exe /mir $publishpath $publishtemp\site
Push-Location $publishtemp
& "$buildpath\zip.exe" -D -r -o $outfile .

Push-Location $packagepath
& "$buildpath\zip.exe" -D -r -o $outfile .

write-host -foreground cyan "Output file: $outfile"
#####zip structure
# config.json
# validate.ps1
# overview.ps1
# All files from Release build
235 changes: 235 additions & 0 deletions Build/DSCConfig.incTest.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
Configuration WebJEADeployment {

Import-DscResource -ModuleName PSDesiredStateConfiguration
#Import-DSCResource -ModuleName WebAdministrationDSC
Import-DSCResource -ModuleName xWebAdministration
Import-DSCResource -ModuleName xXMLConfigFile
Import-DscResource -ModuleName cUserRightsAssignment

Node $AllNodes.where{$_.role -eq "WebJEAServer"}.nodename {

#Install Necessary Windows Features
$WFs = @("Web-WebServer","Web-Default-Doc","Web-Http-Errors","Web-Static-Content","Web-IP-Security","Web-Security","Web-Windows-Auth","Web-Net-Ext45","Web-Asp-Net45","NET-Framework-45-Core","NET-Framework-45-ASPNET","Web-Stat-Compression","Web-Dyn-Compression","Web-HTTP-Redirect")
foreach ($WF in $WFs) {
WindowsFeature "WF_$WF" {
Ensure = 'Present'
Name = $WF

#build app pool
xWebAppPool "WebJEA_IISAppPool" {
Name = $node.WebAppPoolName
Ensure = 'Present'
State = 'Started'
autoStart = $true
managedPipelineMode = 'Integrated'
managedRuntimeVersion = 'v4.0'
identityType = 'SpecificUser'
loadUserProfile = $true #this is necessary to be able to create remote pssessions and import them

#this is how we use the GMSA without specifying a PW we don't know. If using a regular user account, disable this and use the built-in credential support in xWebAppPool
Script ChangeAppPoolIdentity {
GetScript = { return @{ AppPoolName = "$($using:Node.WebAppPoolName)" }}
TestScript = {
import-module webadministration -verbose:$false
$pool = get-item("IIS:\AppPools\$($using:Node.WebAppPoolName)")
return $pool.processModel.userName -eq $using:Node.AppPoolUserName
SetScript = {
import-module webadministration -verbose:$false

$pool = get-item("IIS:\AppPools\$($using:Node.WebAppPoolName)");

$pool.processModel.identityType = [String]("SpecificUser");
$pool.processModel.userName = [String]($using:Node.AppPoolUserName)
$pool.processModel.password = [String]($using:Node.AppPoolPassword)

$pool | Set-Item
DependsOn = "[xWebAppPool]WebJEA_IISAppPool"

#add webjea content
File WebJEA_WebContent {
Ensure = "Present"
SourcePath = $node.WebJEASourceFolder + "\site"
DestinationPath = $node.WebJEAIISFolder
Recurse = $true
Type = "Directory"
MatchSource = $true #always copy files to ensure accurate
Checksum = "SHA-256"

#build webjea web app subdirectory
xWebApplication "WebJEA_IISWebApp" {
Website = 'Default Web Site'
Name = $node.WebJEAIISURI
WebAppPool = $node.WebAppPoolName
PhysicalPath = $node.WebJEAIISFolder
AuthenticationInfo = MSFT_xWebApplicationAuthenticationInformation {
Anonymous = $false
Basic = $false
Digest = $false
Windows = $true
PreloadEnabled = $true
ServiceAutoStartEnabled = $true
SslFlags = @('ssl')


#add redirect
#Package UrlRewrite {
# #Install URL Rewrite module for IIS
# DependsOn = "[WindowsFeature]WF_Web-WebServer"
# Ensure = "Present"
# Name = "IIS URL Rewrite Module 2"
# Path = ""
# Arguments = "/quiet"
# ProductId = "08F0318A-D113-4CF0-993E-50F191D397AD"

#Script ReWriteRule {
# #Adds rewrite allowedServerVariables to applicationHost.config
# DependsOn = "[Package]UrlRewrite"
# SetScript = {
# $current = Get-WebConfiguration /system.webServer/rewrite/allowedServerVariables | select -ExpandProperty collection | ?{$_.ElementTagName -eq "add"} | select -ExpandProperty name
# $missing = $expected | where {$current -notcontains $_}
# try {
# Start-WebCommitDelay
# $missing | %{ Add-WebConfiguration /system.webServer/rewrite/allowedServerVariables -atIndex 0 -value @{name="$_"} -Verbose }
# Stop-WebCommitDelay -Commit $true
# } catch [System.Exception] {
# $_ | Out-String
# }
# }
# TestScript = {
# $current = Get-WebConfiguration /system.webServer/rewrite/allowedServerVariables | select -ExpandProperty collection | select -ExpandProperty name
# $result = -not @($expected| where {$current -notcontains $_}| select -first 1).Count
# return $result
# }
# GetScript = {
# $allowedServerVariables = Get-WebConfiguration /system.webServer/rewrite/allowedServerVariables | select -ExpandProperty collection
# return $allowedServerVariables
# }

#configure SSL
xWebsite "DefaultWeb" {
Ensure = "Present"
Name = "Default Web Site"
State = "Started"
BindingInfo = @(MSFT_xWebBindingInformation {
Protocol = 'https'
Port = '443'
CertificateStoreName = 'MY'
CertificateThumbprint = $node.CertThumbprint
HostName = $node.machinefqdn
IPAddress = '*'
SSLFlags = '1'
# MSFT_xWebBindingInformation {
# Protocol = 'https'
# Port = '443'
# CertificateStoreName = 'MY'
# CertificateThumbprint = $node.CertThumbprint
# HostName = $node.nodename
# IPAddress = '*'
# SSLFlags = '1'
# };
#MSFT_xWebBindingInformation {
# Protocol = 'http'
# Port = '80'
# HostName = $null
# IPAddress = '*'
# }

#set json config location in web.config
XMLConfigFile "WebJEAConfig" {
Ensure = 'Present'
ConfigPath = "$($node.WebJEAIISFolder)\web.config"
XPath = "/configuration/applicationSettings/WebJEA.My.MySettings/setting[@name='configfile']"
isElementTextValue = $true
Name = "value"
Value = $node.WebJEAConfigPath

#set nlog log location in nlog.config in iis site
XMLConfigFile "WebJEA_NLOGFile" {
Ensure = 'Present'
ConfigPath = "$($node.WebJEAIISFolder)\nlog.config"
XPath = "/nlog/targets/target[@name='file']/target"
isAttribute = $true
Name = "fileName"
Value = $node.WebJEA_Nlog_LogFile
XMLConfigFile "WebJEA_NLOGUsageFile" {
Ensure = 'Present'
ConfigPath = "$($node.WebJEAIISFolder)\nlog.config"
XPath = "/nlog/targets/target[@name='fileSummary']/target"
isAttribute = $true
Name = "fileName"
Value = $node.WebJEA_Nlog_UsageFile

#assign permissions to scripts folder?

#Configure Default Web Site to support SSL

#add to logon as service
cUserRight WebJEA_Batch {
ensure = 'Present'
constant = 'SeServiceLogonRight'
principal = 'IIS APPPOOL\' + $node.AppPoolPoolName
dependson = @('[xWebAppPool]WebJEA_IISAppPool')

#add gmsa to iusrs
GroupName = 'IIS_IUSRS'
MembersToInclude = $node.AppPoolUserName
Ensure = 'Present'

#apppool timeout in webconfig

#add starter scripts
File WebJEA_ScriptsContent {
Ensure = "Present"
SourcePath = $node.WebJEASourceFolder + '\StarterFiles'
DestinationPath = $node.WebJEAScriptsFolder
Recurse = $true
Type = "Directory"
MatchSource = $true #always copy files to ensure accurate
Checksum = "SHA-256"

} #/WebJEAServer



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