I have created this application to accomplish its functionality, regardless the UI.
I have used many principles for achieving goals for making this application more reliable and maintainable, which provides the progressive evolution of the project.
- Registration
- Sign In
- Sign Up
- Sign Out
- Adding Multiple Images
- CURD Operations
- Pagination
- Domain-Driven Design Architecture.
- For Databse I have used Firestore, FireAuth and Firestorage by using the handy packages
- For Json Serializer, I have used json_serializable Package.
- Using Singleton Design Pattern for creating a single point if access to a particular instance, By Using injectable Package.
- For Application "Logic" Layer, I have Used get Package.
- For data-classes or pattern matching, I Have Used freezed Package.
- For Applying Functional Programming, I Have Used dartz Package.
The assets
directory houses images, fonts, and any other files you want to
include with your application.
The assets/images
directory contains resolution-aware