Add edit and delete items from a list.
Tech used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Jquery
When the user enters a new input in the top field and presses the submit button a new li is created. The li can be deleted by the delete button that appears on hover, be deleted if the delete all button is selected, which will delete all the lis in the list or if you press the li and its gray and you select to delete all of the gray lis. In addition if the user presses edit they are able to update the value in the input.
Remove the strike class from being effected by selecting the edit or delete button. Ability to use the enter key in the keyboard. Make it so no empty lis can be created. And potentially add a backend so inputs can be saved.
This was a good test for debugging. There is a lot of considerations in making a list like this.
Take a look at these couple examples that I have in my own portfolio:
Harvard Museum:
Calorie App: