Use your Arduino to operate remote radio controlled devices
##Info ###Send RC codes
Use your Arduino to operate remote radio controlled devices. This will most likely work with all popular low cost power outlet sockets.
All you need is a Arduino, a 315/433MHz AM transmitter and one or more devices with a SC5262 / SC5272, HX2262 / HX2272, PT2262 / PT2272, EV1527, RT1527, FP1527 or HS1527 chipset. Also supports Intertechno outlets.
For Raspberry Pi support (send only) you need to install wiringPi and set it in your Makefile CXXFLAGS = -DRC_SWITCH_RASPBERRY_PI
and LDFLAGS = -lwiringPi -lwiringPiDev -lm
###Receive and decode RC codes
Find out what codes your remote is sending. Use your remote to control your Arduino.
All you need is a Arduino, a 315/433MHz AM receiver (altough there is no instruction yet, yes it is possible to hack an existing device) and a remote hand set.