General Utility for Tracking Sequence Similarity
This software was published to accompany the study:
GUTSS: An Alignment-Free Sequence Comparison Method for Use in Human Intestinal Microbiome and Fecal Microbiota Transplantation Analysis
Mitchell J. Brittnacher, Sonya L. Heltshe, Hillary S. Hayden, Matthew C. Radey, Eli J. Weiss, Christopher J. Damman, Timothy L. Zisman, David L. Suskind, Samuel I. Miller
Published: July 8, 2016
Please cite this paper if you use GUTSS for your project.
########### This software is licensed under GPL version 3.0.
################ The code may work on a variety of operating systems, but it was only tested on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 and Ubuntu 14.04. The instructions here should be suitable for most currently popular Unix derivatives. You must have the following installed and working at a minimum to run GUTSS:
Python 2.6+
Python psutil (available as python-psutil in some distributions)
Jellyfish 2.2+
You can install GUTSS from binary or source. If you want to install from source you will need the Jellyfish source code. For both types of GUTSS install you need to have the Jellyfish program installed and working first, so follow the instructions in the Jellyfish manual and be sure to test it.
Create install directory if it doesn't already exist; choose another path if you wish:
$ sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/bin
Install GUTSS and query_per_sequence to install directory:
$ sudo cp GUTSS query_per_sequence /usr/local/bin
Make programs executable:
$ sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/GUTSS
$ sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/query_per_sequence
If you have trouble with the binary distribution, please try installing from source.
Here we use code from the Jellyfish distribution and apply a small patch to make it useful for our purposes:
$ cd /path/to/jellyfish/source/code
$ cd examples/query_per_sequence
$ cp /path/to/GUTSS-master/query_per_sequence.patch ./
$ patch -p0 <query_per_sequence.patch
Now compile the patched Jellyfish code using the make command and the proper PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable. Since you followed the requirements and the Jellyfish program is properly installed, it will have a pkgconfig subdirectory. You may need to adjust the path to this directory, depending on where you installed the Jellyfish program:
$ env PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig make
The query_per_sequence program is the only one that needs to be compiled. The rest of the installation can proceed much like the binary install.
# here we first install Jellyfish from source,
# and then the GUTSS binaries
# install python-psutil and tools needed to compile Jellyfish
user@host:~$ sudo apt-get install git linux-headers-generic build-essential python
# we assume you downloaded the compressed Jellyfish
# source to the Downloads folder in your home directory.
# decompress Jellyfish source
user@host:~$ cd ~/Downloads
user@host:~/Downloads$ tar -xzvf jellyfish-2.2.4.tar.gz
# compile Jellyfish
$ cd jellyfish-2.2.4
$ ./configure
user@host:~/Downloads/jellyfish-2.2.4$ make
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/user/Downloads/jellyfish-2.2.4'
# install Jellyfish
user@host:~/Downloads/jellyfish-2.2.4$ sudo make install
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/user/Downloads/jellyfish-2.2.4'
# decompress GUTSS
user@host:~/Downloads/jellyfish-2.2.4$ cd ../
# we assume you downloaded the compressed GUTSS master
# branch to the Downloads folder in your home directory
user@host:~/Downloads$ unzip
creating: GUTSS-master/
inflating: GUTSS-master/GUTSS
inflating: GUTSS-master/LICENSE
inflating: GUTSS-master/
inflating: GUTSS-master/query_per_sequence
inflating: GUTSS-master/query_per_sequence.patch
creating: GUTSS-master/test/
extracting: GUTSS-master/test/sim49a_1M.fq.gz
extracting: GUTSS-master/test/sim49b_1M.fq.gz
user@host:~/Downloads$ cd GUTSS-master/
# create directory if necessary
user@host:~/Downloads/GUTSS-master$ sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/bin
# install binaries
user@host:~/Downloads/GUTSS-master$ sudo cp GUTSS query_per_sequence /usr/local/bin
# make binaries executable
user@host:~/Downloads/GUTSS-master$ sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/GUTSS
user@host:~/Downloads/GUTSS-master$ sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/query_per_sequence
# test run; displays usage without options
user@host:~/Downloads/GUTSS-master$ GUTSS
/usr/local/bin/GUTSS --afastq </path/to/file> --bfastq </path/to/file> --outfile </path/to/file> \
--kmer <int> [ --apair </path/to/file> --bpair </path/to/file> --jellyfish </path/to/file> --cat \
</path/to/file> --qps </path/to/file> --tempdir </path/to/dir> --cores <int>]
Calculate similarity for two sets of Fastq reads
--version show program's version number and exit
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-a AFASTQ, --afastq=AFASTQ
specifies the path to the 'A' Fastq file
-p APAIR, --apair=APAIR
specifies the path to the read two 'A' Fastq file. You
can use this for paired end runs, or just cat the
files together.
-b BFASTQ, --bfastq=BFASTQ
specifies the path to the 'B' Fastq file
-r BPAIR, --bpair=BPAIR
specifies the path to the read two 'B' Fastq file. You
can use this for paired end runs, or just cat the
files together.
-o OUTFILE, --outfile=OUTFILE
specifies the path to the output file. the output file
format is tab delimited, and the columns, in order,
are: (1) number of reads in sample A where sum(kA -
kB) < 0; (2) number of reads in sample A where sum(kA
- kB) = 0; (3) total number of reads in sample A; (4)
number of reads in sample B where sum(kB - kA) < 0;
(5) number of reads in sample B where sum(kB - kA) =
0; (6) total number of reads in sample B; and (7)
similarity score (%), where kA = count for a single
k-mer on that read in A.
-k KMER, --kmer=KMER specifies the K-mer value to use for the run.
specifies the path to the Jellyfish program. The
default is /usr/local/jellyfish/bin/jellyfish.
-c CAT, --cat=CAT specifies the path to the 'cat' program. The default
is /bin/cat.
-q QPS, --qps=QPS specifies the path to the query_per_sequence program.
The default is
-t TEMPDIR, --tempdir=TEMPDIR
specifies the path to the temporary directory. The
default is /dev/shm, which is recommended if your
system implements tmpfs, as most recent Linux
distributuions do.
-n CORES, --cores=CORES
specifies the number of CPU cores to use. By default
this is automatically determined by the program.
ERROR: Required flag -a/--afastq was not supplied. There may be other required flags too.
# unzip test data
user@host:~/Downloads/GUTSS-master$ gunzip test/*.gz
# default install on Ubuntu needs /usr/local/lib
# added to LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable
# run with test data
# compare the reads in sampleA to the reads in sample B
user@host:~/Downloads/GUTSS-master$ env LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/lib GUTSS \
-a test/sim49a_1M.fq -b test/sim49b_1M.fq -o test.out -k 31 -j /usr/local/bin/jellyfish \
-q /usr/local/bin/query_per_sequence
[INFO] (MainThread) Free memory: 3G
[INFO] (MainThread) Hashing /home/user/Downloads/GUTSS-master/test/sim49a_1M.fq with 2 CPU cores...
[INFO] (MainThread) Creating K-mer hash: /dev/shm/tmpriyqJY
[INFO] (MainThread) Approximate elapsed time: 0.3 minutes
[INFO] (MainThread) Free memory: 3G
[INFO] (MainThread) Hashing /home/user/Downloads/GUTSS-master/test/sim49b_1M.fq with 2 CPU cores...
[INFO] (MainThread) Creating K-mer hash: /dev/shm/tmpTAVlV7
[INFO] (MainThread) Approximate elapsed time: 0.5 minutes
[INFO] (MainThread) Free memory: 3G
[INFO] (MainThread) Writing hash count: /dev/shm/tmpriyqJY /dev/shm/tmpTAVlV7
[INFO] (mem-watch-thread) Monitoring memory...
[INFO] (AvA-thread) Starting...
[INFO] (AvB-thread) Starting...
[INFO] (BvB-thread) Starting...
[INFO] (mem-watch-thread) Shared Memory Used: 29.31%
[INFO] (BvA-thread) Starting...
[INFO] (mem-watch-thread) Shared Memory Used: 31.13%
[INFO] (mem-watch-thread) Shared Memory Used: 32.88%
[INFO] (mem-watch-thread) Shared Memory Used: 35.04%
[INFO] (mem-watch-thread) Shared Memory Used: 36.40%
[INFO] (mem-watch-thread) Shared Memory Used: 38.56%
[INFO] (mem-watch-thread) Shared Memory Used: 39.91%
[INFO] (mem-watch-thread) Shared Memory Used: 42.05%
[INFO] (mem-watch-thread) Shared Memory Used: 43.39%
[INFO] (mem-watch-thread) Shared Memory Used: 45.54%
[INFO] (mem-watch-thread) Shared Memory Used: 46.89%
[INFO] (mem-watch-thread) Shared Memory Used: 48.63%
[INFO] (BvA-thread) ...Exiting
[INFO] (BvB-thread) ...Exiting
[INFO] (mem-watch-thread) Shared Memory Used: 50.40%
[INFO] (mem-watch-thread) Shared Memory Used: 52.19%
[INFO] (mem-watch-thread) Shared Memory Used: 53.97%
[INFO] (mem-watch-thread) Shared Memory Used: 55.76%
[INFO] (mem-watch-thread) Shared Memory Used: 57.56%
[INFO] (AvA-thread) ...Exiting
[INFO] (AvB-thread) ...Exiting
[INFO] (mem-watch-thread) ...done
[INFO] (MainThread) Free memory: 3G
[INFO] (MainThread) Deleting /dev/shm/tmpriyqJY...
[INFO] (MainThread) Deleting /dev/shm/tmpTAVlV7...
[INFO] (MainThread) Free memory: 3G
[INFO] (MainThread) Approximate elapsed time: 3.4 minutes
[INFO] (MainThread) Loading A read counts...
[INFO] (MainThread) Free memory: 2G
[INFO] (MainThread) Calculating A read counts...
[INFO] (MainThread) (1000000, 'reads processed...')
[INFO] (MainThread) Deleting /dev/shm/tmpyOVDYS...
[INFO] (MainThread) Deleting /dev/shm/tmpdTYJ1A...
[INFO] (MainThread) Free memory: 2G
[INFO] (MainThread) Approximate elapsed time: 5.4 minutes
[INFO] (MainThread) Loading B read counts...
[INFO] (MainThread) Free memory: 2G
[INFO] (MainThread) Calculating B read counts...
[INFO] (MainThread) Deleting /dev/shm/tmpXqQuAC...
[INFO] (MainThread) Deleting /dev/shm/tmpTQV1Zu...
[INFO] (MainThread) Free memory: 2G
[INFO] (MainThread) Approximate elapsed time: 6.6 minutes
[INFO] (MainThread) Calculating similarity score...
[INFO] (MainThread) Approximate elapsed time: 6.6 minutes
[INFO] (MainThread) Terminating...
# view results
user@host:~/Downloads/GUTSS-master$ cat test.out
################# The format for GUTSS output is tab delimited. The columns, in order, are:
(1) number of reads in sample A where sum(kA - kB) < 0
(2) number of reads in sample A where sum(kA - kB) = 0
(3) total number of reads in sample A
(4) number of reads in sample B where sum(kB - kA) < 0
(5) number of reads in sample B where sum(kB - kA) = 0
(6) total number of reads in sample B
(7) similarity score (%)
where kA = count for a single k-mer on that read in A