This is an attempt to implement mini-batch training with HAN, which used RandomWalkSample
to get sub-graphs.
Original code from dgl HAN
dgl 0.6.1
ogb 1.3.0
python --dataset ACMRaw --num_neighbors 20 --batch_size 32 --hidden_units 8
It can match the full graph training result: dgl HAN
EarlyStopping counter: 10 out of 10
Epoch 23 | Val loss 0.5857 | Val Accuracy 0.9177 | Val Micro f1 0.9177 | Val Macro f1 0.9176
Test loss 0.3041 | Test Accuracy 0.9176 | Test Micro f1 0.9176 | Test Macro f1 0.9174
python --dataset ogbn-mag --num_neighbors 100 --batch_size 1024 --hidden_units 512
the result is bad (T T):
Epoch 43 | loss: 3.4052 | train_acc: 0.2359 | train_micro_f1: 0.2359 | train_macro_f1: 0.0625
EarlyStopping counter: 10 out of 10
Val loss 3.4083 | Val Accuracy 0.2482 | Val Micro f1 0.2482 | Val Macro f1 0.0388
Test loss 3.2047 | Test Accuracy 0.2691 | Test Micro f1 0.2691 | Test Macro f1 0.0383
result not good:
Epoch 522 | loss: 3.3740 | train_acc: 0.2356 | train_micro_f1: 0.2356 | train_macro_f1: 0.0411
EarlyStopping counter: 100 out of 100
Val loss 3.1961 | Val Accuracy 0.2638 | Val Micro f1 0.2638 | Val Macro f1 0.0382
Test loss 3.1105 | Test Accuracy 0.2914 | Test Micro f1 0.2914 | Test Macro f1 0.0425