Mapbox Navigation SDK v0.9.0
Notable features added:
--> Faster route detection #638libandroid-ui
--> Banner instructions from the directions API #582
- Update Maps and Services dependencies #661
- Add Maneuver type exit rotary constant #653
- Moved WaypointNavigationActivity from the SDK to the test app #652
- NavigationTelemetry update cue for changing configurations #648
- Remove duplicate ViewModel updates #647
- Track initialization of NavigationView #646
- Update Maps SDK to 5.3.1 #645
- Check for null directions route or geometry in SessionState #643
- Remove NavigationViewModel as lifecycle observer #643
- Exposes the MapboxMap in NavigationView with a getter method #642
- Package delivery/ride sharing waypoint demo #641
- Removed boolean that was preventing subsequent navigation sessions #640
- Add FasterRouteDetector to check for quicker routes while navigating #638
- Notification check for valid BannerInstructions before updating #637
- Check for at least two coordinates when creating snapped location #636
- Add language to NavigationViewOptions with default from RouteOptions #635
- Add onDestroy as a method that must be implemented for NavigationView #632
- Check for network connection before setting off-route #631
- Add NavigationView style attribute for custom LocationLayer #627
- Replace setOnScroll (now deprecated) with addOnScroll #626
- Check for IndexOutOfBounds when calculating foreground percentage #625
- Fix for listener bug #620
- Banner instructions from the directions API #582