Mapbox Navigation SDK v0.7.0
- Updated to Mapbox Java 3.0 #373
- Update InstructionView with secondary TextView #404
- Fixed issue with bearing values in route requests #408
- Updates and docs for NavigationRoute #413
- Fixed native crash with initialization of navigation UI #423
- Add validation utils class #424
- Cancel notification when service is destroyed #409
- Adjust API Milestone to handle new routes #425
- Replaced maneuver arrows with custom StyleKit #362
- Dynamic reroute tolerance #428
- Add Telem location engine class name #401
- Fixed snap to route object for snapped location #434
- Directions list as dropdown #415
- Feedback UI #383
- Fixed bearing values not matching number of coordinates #435
- Updated to new TurfConversion class #440
- Removes duplicate check and adds test for new route #443
- Show / hide recenter button when direction list is showing / hiding #441
- Current step removed from instruction list #444
- Change feedback timing #442
- Updated Maneuver Icons #445
- Fixed ordering of the bearings #455
- "Then" Banner Instruction #456
- NavigationQueueContainer Class to manage reroute and feedback queues #457
- Update Turn lane Views to use StyleKit #466
- Upgraded to Gradle 3.0 #453
- Fixed up a few issues preventing all direction routes from working #469
- AlertView integrated with post-reroute feedback #470
- Fix leak when closing app with bottomsheet showing #472
- Added issue template #418
- Check for null raw location before setting bearing #476
- Update location layer to 0.2.0 and re-add as lifecycle observe #473
- Check for null or empty String speechUrl before playing #475
- Create SpanUtil and SpanItem to more easily format Strings #477
- Initialize click listeners after presenter / viewmodel is set #481
- Fix bug with bottomsheet not hiding in night mode #483
- Adjust Instruction Content Layout XML #465
- Add telem absolute distance to destination track support #427
- Fix issue where new route was not being detected #478
- Fix bug with bottom sheet behavior null onConfigChange #490
- Update lane stylekit and then maneuver bias #492
- Add missing javadoc for feedback methods in MapboxNavigation #493
- Portrait / landscape instruction layouts are different - only cast to View #494