Boardino is a board where several people can accommodate notes and draw in real time. The best way to see how it works is to use it, go to create a new Boardino and share the address with anyone else or just put it in another window, perform actions and see how it behaves. Boardino as a board is ideal for organizing projects, activities, kanban boards, teach a class remotely or play triki.
Boardino is a django project with a high component in javascript for the front-end that does all the real-time activity using websockets tornadio2 (python). When any action is performed on the interface of a Boardino, it sends a message to other users of that Boardino to upgrade your interface for the server side in django database is updated so that the data remaining board designs and any new or returning user can view the board and start using it since its last state.
This repository contains django models, views, urls and Boardino APIs to work. In the templates directory, is the main html and /static folder that includes style sheets and javascript files, and generated files with Boardino-frontend.
It works with Python 2.7.
Clone boardino
git clone
Install virtualenv
sudo apt-get install python-virtualenv
Make a directory to save virtual envs
mkdir virtual_envs
Create a virtual env to boardino
virtualenv virt_envs/boardino --no-site-packages
Activate virtual env
source virt_envs/boardino/bin/activate
Install MySQL-python
pip install MySQL-python
You can desactivate virtual env when you finish to work with boardino
Go to boardino directory
cd boardino
Install requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
Create a database 'whiteboard'
mysqladmin -u root -p create whiteboard
Configure database (Accept to create the user)
python syncdb
Apply migrations
python migrate
Run server
python runserver
Now, you see:
Validating models...
0 errors found
September 28, 2013 - 12:53:23
Django version 1.5.4, using settings 'settings'
Development server is running at
Quit the server with CONTROL-C.
Boardino: Includes django project and application javascrpit generated by boardino-frontend
Boardino-frontend: Includes project javascript boardino-frontend.
Open-pusher: Includes Websockets server (tornadio2).