This is simple demo to show CI/CD working process at the GitHub and also how to deploy application to local host via "Git Actions" Most of demo seems to co-work with cloud service like AWS,DigitalOcean, etc.... This is for simple host user
"local host" --------------------> Github --------------------> "remote host"
"app coding host" "action on event" "app working host"
"git push" "build/deploy" app is running
reference source :
main differences between "source" and "my stuffs" is deployment
"source" deploy app to digitalocean and "my stuffs" deploy to "my computer-linux(ubutu 20.04)
- Hosts
- "local host" - for app dev/coding job
- "remote host" - for app running ("loca lhost" can be "remote host")
- Backend nodejs applicaton, refers
- Frontend react application, refers
- GitHub Actions and Runners, refers
- Make repository at the GitHub named nodejs-cicd-to-localhost
- Clone repo to "local host"
- Open it with VScode
- Write node js with react
- vi app.js
- npm init -y // create package.json file
- nmp i express // install express
- npx create-react-app frontend // create front end
- cd frontend
- rm -fr .git // remove default git which is automaticly made
- // npm start // start frontent
- cd ..
- git init
- cd frontend
- npm i axios // install axios
- vi App.js // ./frontend/src/App.js file
- vi package.json // ./frontend/package.json file add proxy "proxy": "http://localhost:5000
- vi package.json // ./package.json file add script "start": "node app.js"
- // open another terminal
- npm start // ./frontend/ // run frontend
- npm start // ./ // run backend
- // check web and all works
- // stop app at the terminal with ctrl+c
- cd ~/project/nodejs-cicd-to-localhost // main forlder
- vi .gitignore // add "node_modules"
- git add .
- git commit -m "Application is ready"
- git push origin main
- sudo passwd // setting up default root user
- su -
- adduser alexyoon
- sudo usermod -aG sudo alexyoon
- su - alexyoon
- cd /var/www
- mkdir actions_runner
- // reference =>
- sudo apt-get update //Update Software Repositories
- sudo apt-get install nginx // install nginx from ubuntu repositories
- nginx -v // verify the installation
- sudo systemctl status nginx
- sudo systemctl restart nginx
- sudo ufw app list // display available nginx profiles
- sudo ufw allow 'nginx http' // if there is no list, execute left command
- sudo ufw reload
- sudo ufw allow 'nginx https' // for encrypted(https) traffics
- sudo ufw allow 'nginx full' // for both
- curl // for nginx test . or curl -i
- sudo apt update
- sudo apt install nodejs
- nodejs -v
- sudo apt install npm // install node.js package manager
click "Settings"
click "Actions"=>"Runners" // refers
click button named "New self-hosted runner"
select os "linux" adn follow-up the commands at the webpage at the "remote host linux"
Making actions
- click Actions => Make new Actions
- refer the .github/workflows/node.js.yml
cd /var/www/
make actions-runner
"At /var/www/actions-runner"
sudo ./ install
sudo ./ start
"check runner status at repo "Settings" => "Runners" , check "Idle" status then ok"
"change nginx config file"
- localtion:/etc/nginx/site-available/default
- refers repo/nginx_config/*
sudo service nginx restart // check nginx is well congigured and working well.
sudo visudo -f /etc/sudoers.d/alexyoon alexyoon ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/service nginx start, /usr/sbin/service nginx stop,/usr/sbin/service nginx restart
"----- for application manager -----"
- cd /var/www/_actions_runner/_work/nodejs-cicd-to-locahost/nodejs-cicd-to-locahost
- sudo npm install pm2@latest -g
- pm status
- pm2 start npm --name "mywebsite" -- run start // start package.json
- pm2 save