Welcome to my corner of the digital world! I'm Manoj Kumar, deeply passionate about programming and constantly exploring new avenues in software development. With a focus on Java and Kotlin, I love diving into Data Structures and Algorithms to refine my problem-solving skills. My ultimate aim is to make impactful contributions to the software development landscape with innovative solutions.
Don't hesitate to reach out to me! Whether it's about exciting opportunities or collaboration ideas, I'm all ears.
- ✉️Email: [email protected]
- 🌐Portfolio: manojkp08.github.io/MyPortfolioSite
- LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/manojkp08
- Twitter: twitter.com/manojkp08
val manoj = Manoj(
pronouns = "He/Him",
code = listOf("Kotlin", "Java", "Python", "Rust"),
askMeAbout = listOf("android-dev", "backend", "photography"),
technologies = Technologies(
backEnd = Backend(js = listOf("Python", "Django")),
mobileApp = MobileApp(native = listOf("Android Development")),
devOps = listOf("Azure", "AWS", "Docker🐳"),
databases = listOf("Firebase-firestore", "PostgreSQL", "MySQL", "Mongo"),
misc = listOf("Firebase", "Socket.IO", "Prisma", "Appwrite")
currentFocus = "To Crack MAANG companies",
funFact = "There are two ways to write error-free programs; only the third one works"