A 20x20 Grid of squares to draw colors on to create a simple design.
Build a simple app presenting a user with a 20x20 grid of squares the user can 'draw' on to create a simple design.
- All users should be presented with a shared board.
- Each user should have a palette of colors to choose from.
- Click on a square, colors the square in with the user's currently selected color.
- A visitor can overwrite the color of a previously colored square (set by a different visitor or themselves).
- Each visitor to the site should be assigned a randomly generated username, which should be displayed to that visitor.
- There need not be any login or authentication.
- Hovering over a colored-in square should display which user placed that color, and when was it placed.
- The board should intermittently update to reflect any changes other users have made.
- Appropriate Rspec test case scenarios should be in place.
Please note: The below challenges are optional. Partial implementation that breaks the above solution will not be considered.
- Display a leaderboard of which users have placed the most colors, and what those user's favorite (most used) colors are.
- Assign the same username to the visitor across refreshes / visits.
- Implement the frontend with a one-way data binding framework.
- Update the board in realtime using websockets.
- There exists only one board consisting 20x20 = 400 square blocks.
- A visitor can overwrite the color of a previously colored square (set by a different visitor or themselves).
- Assumed that a Visitor can color the squares that are either blank or colored by visitors(including himself/herself). A visitor cannot overwrite squares that were previously colored by users of the site.
- Also assumed that a User can color the squares that are blank / colored by visitors / overwrite squares that were colored by himself/herself. A user cannot overwrite squares that were colored by other users of the site.
- A random number(for irregularity purpose) between 15 - 100 seconds will be generated for which the auto refresh would take place.
- Using
ruby '2.5.0'
gem 'rails', '~> 5.2.1'
gem 'mysql2', '0.4.5' # Used as a Database
gem 'devise', '4.5.0' # Used for authentication purpose
gem 'bootstrap', '4.1.3' # Used for having a responsive UI components
gem 'jquery-rails', '4.3.1' # Used for jQuery support
gem 'faker', '1.9.1' # Used for seeding db with data
gem 'rspec-rails', '3.7.2' # Used for UAT test cases
gem 'database_cleaner', '1.7.0' # Used for truncating/cleaning the test data before running next set of test case scenarios
- Using
as the Ruby Version Management tool. - Using
minified css stylesheet for icons in the app.
- Database can be switched between MySQL2 and SQLite3 by commenting and uncommenting the statements in Gemfile and config/database.yml.
- Default browser to run Rspec tests can be registered/changed in spec/spec_helper.rb.
- Currently chrome, firefox and safari are registered, but safari is not been tested out.
- Chrome is set as default browser.
- Recommend running the Rspec on chrome browser as color popup window components may change based on the browser.
configurations in spec/spec_helper.rb has been commmented out to restrict it from cleaning up the seeded data.- Intermittent refresh numbers can be changed according to the requirement.
- Usernames are generated using
gem and displayed to the visitors/users at the top right of navbar. - LeaderBoard shows the users with mosed used colors information in descending order.
function has been added forGET/POST/PUT
requests andjson/html
classes are used for having responsive pages.CSS
styles have been written for customizing the UI componenets.- Using
to display the information like placed by and placed at upon hovering the mouse over the colored square. - DRY principle is followed to keep the code smaller and readable.
- Required
are added as a part of migration. - Rspec feature tests are added for UAT.
- Clone the repository using
git clone
git clone https://github.com/manjunath724/color-the-grid.git
- CD into the repository and run
bundle install
rake db:create db:migrate
- Start the server
rails server
- visit
in your browser. - You will be presented with a Palette of colors and a 20x20 Board
- Select the color from palette and form a design by coloring the squares of the board
- Add more colors to the palette
- Overwrite the previously colored squares
- Reset the selected color
- Mouseover on colored squares to view user info
- Signup to become an user of the site, reserve colored squares on the board and be listed in the leaderboard
- Please note, mailers haven't been setup. Ergo, you wouldn't receive any emails.
- Login and checkout the ranking in leaderboard
- Drop existing test db to start with a fresh migration and data
RAILS_ENV=test rake db:drop # Sometimes db:environment:set may have to be passed if prompted
- Create, migrate and seed data
RAILS_ENV=test rake db:create db:migrate
- Execute
using the below command
rspec spec/
- For formatted output like documentation type
rspec spec/ --format documentation