Listen2us is a social issue addressing tool on the baseline which can benefit the society digitally.This tool provides the management of public issues which can be resolved by the local governing body provided the concern is raised by the people who belong to the respective society.
The application works on resolving the painful act of being behind governing body to get an issue resolved rather a problem can be reported and tracked by LISTEN2US!
The Vision of listen2us is creating an overall approachable environment for the public to get their issues in the civic society resolved by the respective governing body.
To have a healthy society in terms of environment, administration and people welfare.
The application is designed to have a portal for public people who can login, post the issues, view the issue status and the information about their constitution.
The governing body has the privilege to login, view the people post/issues around them, change the status of the posted issue and the information about the constitution.
The admin role has the master control of the application. Admin can configure a governing body in the Application, can pull the welfare metrics of the constitution and can determine the goodwill of governing body.
➲ Java ➲ SpringBoot ➲ JPA ➲ MySql ➲ RestFul Web Services ➲ Angular ➲ PrimeNg Components