List of awesome tools I use for dev or other
- manjaro is a user-friendly rolling release Linux distribution
- deepin-wm is out-of-box window manager for people who care about design and that don't want to waste their time in configuration
- guake is a top-down terminal
- fish is a friendly interactive shell
- oh-my-fish is a framework for fish
- fisherman is a fish plugin manager
- bobthefish is my favorite fish prompt
- neolambda is another cool prompt for fish
- colorman a fish plugin which adds syntax highlighting for the man pages (
omf install colorman
) - grc that adds syntax highlighting for many Unix commands: tail, ping, cat, ps, df, ... (to install it:
fisher grc
) - pj is a plugin to quickly switch from a project to another, whether it is in your terminal or in your editor (
omf install pj
) - g2 is a wrapper to simplify the git usage
- colorls is a wrapper for ls that really supercharge it (
gem install colorls
) - ccze is a tool for syntax highlighting in the traditional logs (Apache, syslog, php, ...)
- jq also brings syntax highlighting to your JSON logs, among many other cool things
- ccat : syntax highlighting for cat
- tig : allows to enhance the ouput of many known git commands (e.g.
git log | tig
) - howdoi : if you're wondering how to format a date in PHP, then just type
howdoi format date php
- htop : to display the list of current processes
- glances (
pip install glances
) : a supervision console for your computer (processes, RAM, network, I/O, captors, ...) - clog (
cargo install clog
) : generate CHANGELOGs from your git repo's metadata - googler : Google CLI
- slacker / matterhorn : CLI for (respectively) Slack and Mattermost
- toot (
pip install toot
) : CLI for mastodon - dockly (
npm install -g dockly
) : monitor your containers and Docker images from your term - wunderline (
npm install -g wunderline
) : CLI for Wunderlist - newman (
npm install -g newman
) : you want to integrate Postman in your CI/CD pipeline? then newman is made for you! - ttyrec/ttygif : allow to create animated GIF from a shell session to be included in a blog post for example
- atom is a hackable text editor
- postman is a graphical tool designed to test web APIs
- bat is a cat(1) clone with wings
- httpie is a command line HTTP client with an intuitive UI, JSON support, syntax highlighting, wget-like downloads, plugins, and more
- grunt the Javascript task runner
- swagger-cli Swagger 2.0 and OpenAPI 3.0 command-line tool
- autojump A cd command that learns - easily navigate directories from the command line
- neo literally the future of vim
- SpaceVim A community-driven vim distribution
- ranger A VIM-inspired filemanager for the console
- icdiff Improved side-by-side colored diff
- mycli A Terminal Client for MySQL with AutoCompletion and Syntax Highlighting
- nnn
- duf
- ncdu
- direnv
- wofi
- rofi
- polybar
- i3
- sway
- bashtop
- bpytop
- starship
- asciinema
- autojump
- beautysh
- botsay
- buddhasay
- cowsay
- cava
- lnav
- cloc
- diff-so-fancy
- dummyhttp
- exa
- fd
- feh
- fzf
- gotop
- howdoi
- fx
- hub
- kitty
- lazygit
- lazydocker
- most
- neofetch
- pcmanfm
- polybar
- ponysay
- ripgrep
- tmux
- tmuxp
- wavemon
- waybar
- wdisplays
- pavucontrol
- wob
- yq
- z
- zathura
- powerlevel10k