This module provides api for registration and login users in your site (or any other system). Supports login with email/password and socials (,, It also provides api that helps to build OAuth2 authentication service, i.e. methods to manage OAuth entities such as OAuth client, authorization code and access token.
Requires tarantool >=
Using tarantoolctl:
$ tarantoolctl rocks install authman
Also available .rpm
and .deb
# CentOS
$ yum install tarantool-authman
# Ubuntu
$ apt-get install tarantool-authman
Create tarantool instance file /etc/tarantool/instances.available/tarantool-authman.lua:
box.cfg {
listen = 3302,
local config = {
-- configuration table, details below
auth = require('authman').api(config)
Create symlink in /etc/tarantool/instances.enabled:
$ ln -s /etc/tarantool/instances.available/tarantool-authman.lua .
Run tarantool and connect to it:
$ tarantoolctl start tarantool-authman
$ tarantoolctl enter tarantool-authman
Use auth api:
tarantool> ok, user = auth.registration('[email protected]')
tarantool> ok, user = auth.complete_registration('[email protected]', user.code, 'Pa$$wOrD')
tarantool> ok, user = auth.set_profile(user['id'], {first_name='name', laste_name='surname'})
tarantool> ok, user = auth.auth('[email protected]', 'Pa$$wOrD')
tarantool> session = user['session']
tarantool> ok, user = auth.check_auth(session) -- user can get new session
Example of my_config.lua module, fill empty strings with your values:
return {
activation_secret = '',
session_secret = '',
restore_secret = '',
session_lifetime = 7 * 24 * 60 * 60,
session_update_timedelta = 2 * 24 * 60* 60,
social_check_time = 60 * 60* 24,
-- password_strength can be:
-- none, whocares, easy, common, moderate, violence, nightmare,
password_strength = 'common', -- default value
facebook = {
client_id = '',
client_secret = '',
google = {
client_id = '',
client_secret = '',
vk = {
client_id = '',
client_secret = '',
tarantool> ok, user = auth.registration('[email protected]')
tarantool> user.code
- 022c1ff1f0b171e51cb6c6e32aefd6ab
Creates user, return user with code for email confirmation.
tarantool> ok, user = auth.complete_registration('[email protected]', code, '123')
tarantool> user
- is_active: true
email: [email protected]
id: bcb6e00a-1148-4b7d-9ab1-9a9a3b21ce2a
Set user is_active=true and password, return user table (without session)
tarantool> ok, user = auth.set_profile(id, {first_name='name', last_name='surname'})
tarantool> user
- is_active: true
email: [email protected]
profile: {'first_name': 'name', last_name='surname'}
id: bcb6e00a-1148-4b7d-9ab1-9a9a3b21ce2a
Set user profile first_name and last_name
tarantool> ok, user = auth.get_profile(id)
tarantool> user
- is_active: true
email: [email protected]
profile: {'first_name': 'name', last_name='surname'}
id: bcb6e00a-1148-4b7d-9ab1-9a9a3b21ce2a
Get user profile details by id
tarantool> auth.delete_user(id)
- is_active: true
email: [email protected]
profile: {'first_name': 'name', last_name='surname'}
id: bcb6e00a-1148-4b7d-9ab1-9a9a3b21ce2a
Delete user from space
tarantool> ok, user = auth.auth('[email protected]', '123')
tarantool> user
- is_active: true
email: [email protected]
id: b8c9ee9d-ae15-469d-a16f-415594121ece
Sign in user, return user table (with session)
tarantool> ok, user = auth.check_auth(session)
tarantool> user
- is_active: true
email: [email protected]
session: 'eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoiYjhjOWVlOWQtYWUxNS00Nj.....'
id: b8c9ee9d-ae15-469d-a16f-415594121ece
Check user is signed in, return user table (with new session)
Session can be renewed, so set it again after each call oh this method
User will contain social info, if passed session generated by using auth.social_auth() method:
tarantool> user
- is_active: true
provider: facebook
social_id: '123123....'
email: [email protected]
session: 'eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoiYjhjOWVlOWQtYWUxNS00Nj.....'
id: b8c9ee9d-ae15-469d-a16f-415594121ece
tarantool> ok, deleted = auth.drop_session(session)
tarantool> deleted
- true
Drop user session
tarantool> ok, token = auth.restore_password('[email protected]')
tarantool> token
- 8b9c03b7786a465e2175bb1a8bd8a59f
Get restore password token
tarantool> ok, user = auth.complete_restore_password('[email protected]', code, '234')
tarantool> user
- is_active: true
email: [email protected]
id: bcb6e00a-1148-4b7d-9ab1-9a9a3b21ce2a
Set new password, return user table (without session)
tarantool> ok, url = auth.social_auth_url('facebook', 'some-state-string')
tarantool> url
Return url for social auth. State is optional but recommended for csrf protection.
tarantool> ok, user = auth.social_auth('facebook', code)
tarantool> user
- is_active: true
provider: facebook
social_id: '123123....'
profile: {'first_name': 'a', 'last_name': 'aa'}
id: bcb6e00a-1148-4b7d-9ab1-9a9a3b21ce2a
email: [email protected]
session: 'eyJ1c2VyX2lkIj.....'
Sign in user, return user table (with session)
If first parametr (ok - bool) is false then error is occured. Error description will be stored in second param like:
error = {code = description}
tarantool> ok, user = auth.registration('[email protected]')
tarantool> ok
- false
tarantool> user
- '2': User already exists
Complete list of error codes:
error.USER_NOT_FOUND = '1'
error.INVALID_PARAMS = '3'
error.USER_NOT_ACTIVE = '4'
error.WRONG_PASSWORD = '5'
error.WRONG_AUTH_CODE = '11'
error.WRONG_PROVIDER = '13'
error.WEAK_PASSWORD = '14'
error.SOCIAL_AUTH_ERROR = '15'
error.OAUTH_APP_NOT_FOUND = '17'
To perform tests run this in directory with tarantool-authman module:
$ tarantool test/authman.test.lua