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Jekyll Theme PrettyDocs

Inspired on


Jekyll ~> 3.3

Quick start

jekyll new mydoc
cd mydoc

Add this line to your Jekyll site's Gemfile:

gem "jekyll-theme-prettydocs"
bundle install

After yor install theme, you should replace minima theme for new jekyll-theme-prettydocs theme. To do it, change in _config.yml file, like this:

# Replace
theme: minima

# By
theme: jekyll-theme-prettydocs

To start jekyll server, run:

bundle exec jekyll serve

Open in your browser http://localhost:4000. See the site, with this wonderful theme.

After you install and start, you can to do your changes.

Files and folder structures

The files of version 1.0.0 was totally rewrite. In practically, It started from zero.

The idea was reduce project size, and to make it more simple and clean as possible. To do it, there was a change of thinking. From now on, the idea is hand over the layouts and to allow the user to build your pages as you like.

However with the help of Tips Page, you will be able to replicate and to adapt the content of Pretty Docs template with more facility and simplicity.

This is the idea.




The Home Layout is the base of initial page of theme. Basically, the _includes/home.html file is included, and is responsible of main content of home page. Therefore, to make changes you will create a file with same name, and it show on home page.

You can access the Wiki to learn how you to create your Home Page step-by-step.


One of the big differences between version 1.0.0 to 0.0.5 is the Page Layout. This version is more easy to define the page color. You have only to include color: green attribute, for example, to this page assume the green color.

Still is not possible to create automagically a page, but thinking on more facility of the development, was created some code lines that, used together with Emmet plugin will facility more your life.

To start, you should think that all pages follow the same pattern of code, with exception of content of page, the structure is the same.


Following this idea, you will have in a simplicity way the following structure of a page:

layout: page
title: Quick Start
permalink: quick-start
color: green

# header 

header#header.header>div.container>((div.branding>h1.logo>a[href="/"]>span.icon_documents_alt.icon[aria-hidden="true"]+span.text-highlight{Pretty}+span.text-bold{Docs})+(ol.breadcrumb>((li.breadcrumb-item>a[href="/"]{Home})+({Quick Start}))))

# content

div.doc-wrapper>div.container>(div#doc-header.doc-header.text-center>(h1.doc-title>i.icon.fa.fa-paper-plane+{Quick Start})+div.meta>i.far.fa-clock+{Last updated: July 18th, 2018})+(div.doc-body.row>(div.doc-content.col-md-9.col-12.order-1>div.content-inner{#sections})+(div.doc-sidebar.col-md-3.col-12.order-0.d-none.d-md-flex>div#doc-nav.doc-nav>nav#doc-menu.nav.doc-menu.flex-column.sticky{#menu-itens}))

# sections


# menu-itens



# footer

footer#footer.footer.text-center>div.container>small.copyright(({Designed with}>i.fa.fa-heart)+({ by }>a[target="_blank" href=""]{Xiaoying Riley})+{for developers})

For more details, click in Tips Page.

Posts and Default Layouts

Extends Page Layout.


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