Maestro 4 provides support for plugins written in Java and Ruby. They are both permitted to have dependent libraries. Ruby based plugins provide the worker source file (.rb) and any dependencies (.gem) are loaded using the Rubygems (gem) executable. Both plugin types provide a manifest file (manifest.json) that details the contents and attributes of the plugin.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'maestro_plugin'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install maestro_plugin
logging method is no longer includded by default so it is only used in the plugin specs
Add require 'maestro_plugin/logging_stdout'
to your spec_helper to use it in tests
Your plugin source directory should contain the following subdirectories:
- src - contains the plugin source code.
- spec - contains the plugin RSpec testing code.
- images - contains the plugin images displayed in the task list and composition bar.
The logic for your plugin is implemented by a worker class. This class should extend the Maestro::MaestroWorker class. Set it in the class parameter of your manifest. The command parameter for each task defined in the manifest must have a matching method in your worker.
You can use RSpec to perform unit testing. If your plugin invokes any of the utility methods in the MaestroWorker class, you should make sure to set the MaestroWorker class to "mock" mode so that it doesn't attempt to post messages on the response queue. You can do this by calling the Maestro::MaestroWorker.mock! method.
The maestro_plugin/rspec
file add some RSpec custom matchers to use in tests,
check that the workitem does or does not contain a fieldname
A typical spec_helper.rb
would be
require 'rspec'
require 'maestro_plugin/logging_stdout'
require 'maestro_plugin/rspec'
require 'maestro_plugin'
RSpec.configure do |config|
# Only run focused specs:
config.filter_run :focus => true
config.filter_run_excluding :disabled => true
# Yet, if there is nothing filtered, run the whole thing.
config.run_all_when_everything_filtered = true
config.before(:each) do
You must package your plugin into a zip file. It must contain the following files and directory:
- src - the source directory
- images - the directory containing the image displayed on the Maestro UI in the task list and composition bar.
- vendor - the directory containing all the gem dependencies.
- manifest.json - the manifest.
- - the README file (optional)
- LICENSE - the license file (optional)