Advanced-Scenario-Manual-Deploy #30
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name: Advanced-Scenario-Manual-Deploy | |
# This is a basic workflow to help you get started with Actions | |
# Global Variables | |
env: | |
APPNAME: "threetierapp" | |
KUBERNETESSERVICENAME: "demo-performance-aks" | |
AZURELOADTESTINGNAME: "demo-performance-alt" | |
CHAOSMESHEXPERIMENTNAME: "ChaosMeshStressFaultsExperiment" | |
# Controls when the workflow will run | |
on: | |
workflow_dispatch: | |
inputs: | |
description: "Set the number of nodes" | |
required: true | |
default: "3" | |
description: "Choose the kubernetes node VM size" | |
type: choice | |
required: true | |
options: | |
- standard_d2s_v5 | |
- standard_d4s_v5 | |
- standard_d8s_v5 | |
- standard_f2s_v2 | |
- standard_f4s_v2 | |
- standard_f8s_v2 | |
- standard_d4as_v5 | |
- standard_d2as_v5 | |
# A workflow run is made up of one or more jobs that can run sequentially or in parallel | |
jobs: | |
deploy-infrastructure: | |
# The type of runner that the job will run on | |
runs-on: ubuntu-latest | |
# Steps represent a sequence of tasks that will be executed as part of the job | |
steps: | |
# Runs a single command using the runners shell | |
- name: "az version" | |
run: az version | |
# Checkout last version code from Main branch | |
- name: Checkout last version code from Main branch | |
uses: actions/checkout@main | |
# Log into Azure | |
- name: Log into Azure | |
uses: azure/login@v1 | |
with: | |
creds: ${{ secrets.AZURE_CREDENTIALS }} | |
enable-AzPSSession: true | |
- name: Azure CLI script | |
uses: azure/CLI@v1 | |
with: | |
azcliversion: latest | |
inlineScript: | | |
az account show | |
# Set env to Input | |
- name: Set the value | |
id: step_one | |
run: | | |
echo "AGENTVMSIZE=${{ github.event.inputs.AGENTVMSIZE }}" >> $GITHUB_ENV | |
echo "NODEPOOLS=${{ github.event.inputs.NODEPOOLS }}" >> $GITHUB_ENV | |
- name: Check Microsoft.Chaos Provider or fail | |
run: | | |
provider=$(az provider list --query "[?namespace=='Microsoft.Chaos'].registrationState" -o tsv) | |
if [ "$provider" != "Registered" ]; then | |
echo "Error: Microsoft.Chaos provider is not registered." | |
exit 1 | |
fi | |
echo "Microsoft.Chaos provider is registered." | |
# Deploy Bicep file Kubernetes service | |
- name: Deploy Bicep file Kubernetes service | |
id: Kubernetes | |
uses: azure/arm-deploy@v1 | |
with: | |
scope: resourcegroup | |
subscriptionId: ${{ secrets.AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION }} | |
resourceGroupName: ${{ secrets.AZURE_RG }} | |
template: ./Bicep/AKS/mainAKS.bicep | |
parameters: name="${{ env.KUBERNETESSERVICENAME }}" agentVMSize="${{ env.AGENTVMSIZE }}" agentCount="${{ env.NODEPOOLS }}" | |
failOnStdErr: false | |
# Kubectl tool installer | |
- name: Kubectl tool installer | |
uses: Azure/[email protected] | |
# Deploy Nginx Reverse Proxy service to Kubernetes | |
- name: Deploy Nginx Reverse Proxy service to Kubernetes | |
run: | | |
az aks get-credentials -n "${{ env.KUBERNETESSERVICENAME }}" -g "${{ secrets.AZURE_RG }}" | |
helm repo add ingress-nginx | |
helm repo update | |
helm upgrade nginx ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx --install | |
# Sleep | |
- name: Sleep for 30 seconds | |
shell: pwsh | |
run: | | |
sleep 30 | |
# Deploy Application with helm to Kubernetes service | |
- name: Deploy Application with helm to Kubernetes service | |
run: | | |
cd src/advanced-scenario/helm | |
RELEASE_NAME_LOWERCASE=$(echo ${{ env.APPNAME }} | tr -dc '[:alnum:]\n\r' | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') | |
# echo release name lowercase to output | |
helm upgrade $RELEASE_NAME_LOWERCASE . --install | |
echo "CLUSTERIP=$(kubectl get service "nginx-ingress-nginx-controller" -n default -o jsonpath="{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}")" >> $GITHUB_ENV | |
# Deploy Prometheus and grafana service to Kubernetes | |
- name: Deploy Prometheus and Grafana services to Kubernetes | |
run: | | |
helm repo add prometheus-community | |
helm repo update | |
helm upgrade --install prometheus-stack prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack --values src/advanced-scenario/prometheus.values.demo.yaml --wait --atomic --timeout 600s --set grafana.adminPassword="${{ secrets.GRAFANA_ADMIN_PASSWORD }}" --namespace "prometheus" --create-namespace | |
# Set up Chaos Mesh on your AKS cluster | |
- name: Set up Chaos Mesh on AKS cluster | |
run: | | |
helm repo add chaos-mesh | |
helm repo update | |
helm upgrade --install chaos-mesh chaos-mesh/chaos-mesh --set chaosDaemon.runtime=containerd --set chaosDaemon.socketPath=/run/containerd/containerd.sock --namespace "chaos-testing" --create-namespace | |
# Enable Chaos Studio on your AKS cluster | |
- name: Enable Chaos Studio on AKS cluster | |
shell: pwsh | |
run: | | |
$RESOURCE_GROUP = "${{ secrets.AZURE_RG }}" | |
$TARGET_TYPE = "Microsoft-AzureKubernetesServiceChaosMesh" | |
$jsonBody = @{ | |
properties = @{} | |
} | ConvertTo-Json -Compress | |
az rest --method put --url "$SUBSCRIPTION_ID/resourceGroups/$RESOURCE_GROUP/providers/Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/$AKS_NAME/providers/Microsoft.Chaos/targets/Microsoft-AzureKubernetesServiceChaosMesh?api-version=2023-11-01" --body $jsonBody --headers "Content-Type=application/json" | |
# Create The Capabilities On The Target | |
- name: Create The Capabilities On The Target | |
shell: pwsh | |
run: | | |
$RESOURCE_GROUP = "${{ secrets.AZURE_RG }}" | |
$jsonBody = @{ | |
properties = @{} | |
} | ConvertTo-Json -Compress | |
az rest --method put --url "$SUBSCRIPTION_ID/resourceGroups/$RESOURCE_GROUP/providers/Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/$AKS_NAME/providers/Microsoft.Chaos/targets/Microsoft-AzureKubernetesServiceChaosMesh/capabilities/StressChaos-2.1?api-version=2023-11-01" --body $jsonBody --headers "Content-Type=application/json" | |
# Deploy Bicep file Azure Load Testing --- TODO Param northeurope | |
- name: Deploy Bicep file Azure Load Testing | |
uses: azure/arm-deploy@v1 | |
with: | |
scope: resourcegroup | |
subscriptionId: ${{ secrets.AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION }} | |
resourceGroupName: ${{ secrets.AZURE_RG }} | |
template: ./Bicep/ALT/advanced-scenario/mainALT.bicep | |
parameters: name="${{ env.AZURELOADTESTINGNAME }}" location="northeurope" | |
failOnStdErr: false | |
# Deploy Chaos Experiment | |
- name: Deploy Chaos Experiment | |
id: ChaosMeshPodFaultsExperiment | |
uses: azure/arm-deploy@v1 | |
with: | |
scope: resourcegroup | |
subscriptionId: ${{ secrets.AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION }} | |
resourceGroupName: ${{ secrets.AZURE_RG }} | |
template: ./Bicep/ACS/mainACS.bicep | |
parameters: ./Bicep/ACS/parameters.json actionName="stressChaos" aksName="${{ env.KUBERNETESSERVICENAME }}" experimentName="${{ env.CHAOSMESHEXPERIMENTNAME }}" | |
failOnStdErr: false | |
# # Assign experiment permission to your AKS cluster | |
# - name: Assign experiment permission to your AKS cluster | |
# shell: pwsh | |
# run: | | |
# $RESOURCE_GROUP = "${{ secrets.AZURE_RG }}" | |
# $EXPERIMENT_PRINCIPAL_ID = "${{ steps.ChaosMeshPodFaultsExperiment.outputs.servicePrincipalId }}" | |
# [array] $getAssignmentResult = az role assignment list --assignee $EXPERIMENT_PRINCIPAL_ID --all | |
# if($getAssignmentResult.count -eq 1){ | |
# az role assignment create --role "Azure Kubernetes Service Cluster Admin Role" --assignee-object-id $EXPERIMENT_PRINCIPAL_ID --scope "subscriptions/$SUBSCRIPTION_ID/resourceGroups/$RESOURCE_GROUP/providers/Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/$AKS_NAME" --assignee-principal-type ServicePrincipal | |
# } | |
# Map a step output to a job output | |
outputs: | |
experimentName: ${{ steps.ChaosMeshPodFaultsExperiment.outputs.experimentName }} | |
clusterip: ${{ env.CLUSTERIP }} | |
run-chaos-experiment: | |
# The type of runner that the job will run on | |
runs-on: ubuntu-latest | |
needs: deploy-infrastructure | |
# Steps represent a sequence of tasks that will be executed as part of the job | |
steps: | |
# Checkout last version code from Main branch | |
- name: Checkout last version code from Main branch | |
uses: actions/checkout@main | |
# Log into Azure | |
- name: Log into Azure | |
uses: azure/login@v1 | |
with: | |
creds: ${{ secrets.AZURE_CREDENTIALS }} | |
# Set env to Input | |
- name: Set the value | |
id: step_one | |
run: | | |
echo "AGENTVMSIZE=${{ github.event.inputs.AGENTVMSIZE }}" >> $GITHUB_ENV | |
echo "NODEPOOLS=${{ github.event.inputs.NODEPOOLS }}" >> $GITHUB_ENV | |
# Run Chaos Experiments | |
- name: Sleep for 1 minute | |
shell: pwsh | |
run: | | |
sleep 60 | |
- name: Run Chaos Experiments | |
shell: pwsh | |
run: | | |
$RESOURCE_GROUP = "${{ secrets.AZURE_RG }}" | |
$EXPERIMENT_NAME = "${{ needs.deploy-infrastructure.outputs.experimentName }}" | |
az rest --method post --uri$SUBSCRIPTION_ID/resourceGroups/$RESOURCE_GROUP/providers/Microsoft.Chaos/experiments/$EXPERIMENT_NAME/start?api-version=2023-11-01 | |
run-azure-load-test: | |
# The type of runner that the job will run on | |
runs-on: ubuntu-latest | |
needs: deploy-infrastructure | |
# Steps represent a sequence of tasks that will be executed as part of the job | |
steps: | |
# Checkout last version code from Main branch | |
- name: Checkout last version code from Main branch | |
uses: actions/checkout@main | |
# Log into Azure | |
- name: Log into Azure | |
uses: azure/login@v1 | |
with: | |
creds: ${{ secrets.AZURE_CREDENTIALS }} | |
# | |
- name: "Create Azure Load Test" | |
uses: azure/load-testing@v1 | |
with: | |
loadtestConfigFile: ./Bicep/ALT/advanced-scenario/config.yaml | |
resourceGroup: ${{ secrets.AZURE_RG }} | |
loadtestResource: "${{ env.AZURELOADTESTINGNAME }}" | |
env: | | |
[ | |
{ | |
"name": "webapp", | |
"value": "${{ needs.deploy-infrastructure.outputs.clusterip }}" | |
} | |
] | |
- name: Azure logout | |
run: | | |
az logout |