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71 Capturing User Input

Tyler Morgan edited this page Feb 20, 2019 · 5 revisions

How to Capture User's Input (1.3)

These components are required for SplashBuddy to capture the user's input:

  • SplashBuddy and it's required components
    • Latest release supports User Input
  • form.html inside the presentation.bundle under your localized language.

These components are optional for SplashBuddy to capture the user's input:

  • form.js inside the same location as your form.html
  • form.css inside the same location as your form.html
  • to read the values SplashBuddy records

SplashBuddy Components

Please review the component list located here

Form HTML Structure

        <!-- Insert External Resources here -->
            <!-- Form Components Here -->

Connecting to external resources

Javascript: <script type='text/javascript' src='script.js'></script> Stylesheet (CSS): <link />

Form Elements

Inside the form there are many different options available, below breaks down each one, along with each function.

General Components

Tag Name Use Example
ID Be able to link to your element using #ID where ID is the ID of your element. id='Name'
Name The name of your input, this will be the name of the text file the values are saved to. name='firstname'
sbReq If set to true, SplashBuddy won't allow the form to be submitted until the value is provided sbReq='true'

Input Options

These options are for use with the <input /> tag.

Option Use Example Reference
Placeholder Set a placeholder to provide a description for the field prior to user inserting values. placeholder='Johhny Appleseed' Info
Value Set a value to the input prior to user's interaction value='Johhny Appleseed' Info
Disabled This disables the element, you can enable it via. script, or keep is disabled. disabled Info
Type This is the type of input values expected, current options are text, radio, or checkbox type='text' Info

Radio Example Below

Type specific options

Option Use Example Reference
checked For use in checkbox type only, use this to set the default value <input type='checkbox' name='model' checked /> Info

Select Options

Select is another method of capturing user input, this is a drop down list the user can select from. Example:

<select id='Sites' name='site' sbReq='true'>
    <option value='headquarters'>Headquarters</option>
    <option value='remote'>Remote Office</option>
    <option value='warehouse'>Warehouse</option>

Reading user's input

All user's input is stored in plain text currently at ~/Library/Containers/io.fti.SplashBuddy/Data/ where ~ is the user's space where SplashBuddy is running. All files are stored in text files. One way to read this is with the script below:

The below script writes to /Library/Logs/SplashBuddyValues.log for logging, and saves the user's input values to /Library/Preferences/io.fti.SplashBuddyValues.plist which can be read by executing defaults read /Library/Preferences/io.fti.SplashbuddyValues.plist

# SplashBuddy Read Values
# Reads the values dropped by SplashBuddy application from the user.
#Define Logging

    DATE=$(date +%Y-%m-%d\ %H:%M:%S)

    echo "$DATE" " $1" >> $LOG
    echo "$DATE" " $1"

ScriptLogging "————Read SplashBuddy Values—————-"

assetString="asset-tag"; #  The name used for the asset tag


loggedInUser=$(python -c 'from SystemConfiguration import SCDynamicStoreCopyConsoleUser; import sys; username = (SCDynamicStoreCopyConsoleUser(None, None, None) or [None])[0]; username = [username,""][username in [u"loginwindow", None, u""]]; sys.stdout.write(username + "\n");')

ScriptLogging "User discovered: $loggedInUser";

function getSplashBuddyResults() {
  for file in $(ls "$path" | grep .txt); do
    key=$(awk -F . '{print $1}' <<< $file);
    value=$(cat $path/$file);

    ScriptLogging "$key with value of $value";

    if [[ $value == 'TRUE' || $value == 'on' ]]; then
      ScriptLogging 'Writing True boolean value for $key';
      sudo defaults write $writeToPlist $key -bool TRUE;
    elif [[ $value == 'FALSE' ]]; then
      ScriptLogging 'Writing False boolean value for $key';
      sudo defaults write $writeToPlist $key -bool FALSE;

      ScriptLogging "Writing $value for $key into plist";
      /usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/defaults write $writeToPlist "$key" -string "$value";
      ScriptLogging "Value being read: $(/usr/bin/defaults read $writeToPlist \"$key\")";

    if [[ "$key" == "$assetString" ]]; then
      ScriptLogging "Reading asset-tag value...";
      currAssetTag = $(/usr/sbin/nvram asset-tag | /usr/bin/awk '{print $NF}' 2>/dev/null);
      if [[ $currAssetTag == "" ]]; then
        /usr/bin/sudo /usr/sbin/nvram asset-tag=$value;

while [[ $(ls $path | grep .txt | wc -l) -eq 0 ]]; do
  ScriptLogging "$(ls $path | grep .txt | wc -l)";
  ScriptLogging "Path: $path";
  ScriptLogging "Contents: $(ls $path)";
  sleep 5;

ScriptLogging "——End——"
exit 0

Known issues

  • Password type is not supported
    • Possible solution is using Public Key Encryption to encrypt user's sensitive data before being saved.
  • Only the type options of radio, checkbox, and text are currently supported.