- Keep track of your personal expenses.
- You can add, inactivate(soft delete), delete(hard delete), restore the inactivated transaction.
- React
- Typescript
- Firebase/Firestore
Logs user in to the site using the firebase email/password authentication service.
Captcha to avoid bot logins.
- Basic information about the user required for signing up.
- Validation for missing required fields / incorrect data validation.
- Captcha field to avoid bot signups.
- Only available to logged in users.
- Unauthorized users are navigated to Login Page
- A user can add expenses.
- Keep a track of the total amount they have spend so far.
- Delete a transaction (soft delete)
- User can either permanently delete a transaction or restore it.
- Dynamic Navbar based on the user's auth state.
- Test out my project at ISpentIt