A test runner for Mathematica tests. This takes a target test (or test directory), runs the tests, and outputs the results in the format specified. If a directory is given, all files in the top-level of the directory will attempt to be run.
Usage: ./mathematica-test-runner [options] [targetFile|targetDirectory]
-V, --version Output the version number
-h, --help Output usage information
-R, --reporter <reporter> Specify a reporter to use. The default is 'spec'.
Choose from one of the following options:
{spec, tap, json, mathematica, junit}.
-o, --outputfile <filepath> The path to the output file to save the results. If
this is omitted the results will be sent to stdout.
-f, --failmissingmsg Whether or not to fail the test if the expected
message is missing.
'spec' - The default reporter - simply outputs a nested view of the
high-level results, showing successes and failures and a short
summary at the end.
'mathematica' - Output the results exactly as they come from the Mathematica
'json' - The results are given as a single JSON object that
corresponds to each TestReportObject.
'tap' - The TAP reporter emits lines for a Test-Anything-Protocol
'junit' - Results are given in the JUnit format
To run the tests in the test
$ ./mathematica-test-runner test
This will output the results with the default 'spec' reporter. A different reporter can be specified.
$ ./mathematica-test-runner -R tap test
You can also specify a single file instead of the entire test directory.
$ ./mathematica-test-runner test/test1.mt
The default reporter - simply outputs a nested view of the high-level results, showing successes and failures and a short summary at the end.
Output the results exactly as they come from the Mathematica kernel.
$ ./mathematica-test-runner -R mathematica test
{TestReportObject[<|"Title" -> "Test Report: test1.mt", "TimeElapsed" ->
Quantity[0.26, "Seconds"], "TestsSucceededCount" -> 2, "TestsFailedCount"
-> 0, "TestsFailedWrongResultsCount" -> 0, "TestsFailedWithMessagesCount"
-> 0, "TestsFailedWithErrorsCount" -> 0, "Aborted" -> False,
"TestResults" -> <|1 -> TestResultObject[<|"TestIndex" -> 1, "TestID" ->
"test1-1", "Outcome" -> "Success", "Input" -> HoldForm[1 + 1],
"ExpectedOutput" -> HoldForm[2], "ActualOutput" -> HoldForm[2],
"ExpectedMessages" -> {}, "ActualMessages" -> {}, "AbsoluteTimeUsed" ->
Quantity[0.000146`2.314867853616427, "Seconds"], "CPUTimeUsed" ->
Quantity[0.000144000000000144, "Seconds"], "MemoryUsed" -> Quantity[4088,
"Bytes"]|>], 2 -> TestResultObject[<|"TestIndex" -> 2, "TestID" ->
"test1-2", "Outcome" -> "Success", "Input" -> HoldForm[Sin[Pi]],
"ExpectedOutput" -> HoldForm[0], "ActualOutput" -> HoldForm[0],
"ExpectedMessages" -> {}, "ActualMessages" -> {}, "AbsoluteTimeUsed" ->
Quantity[0.000102`2.159115169593909, "Seconds"], "CPUTimeUsed" ->
Quantity[0.0001020000000000465, "Seconds"], "MemoryUsed" -> Quantity[128,
"Bytes"]|>]|>, "TestsSucceededIndices" -> {1, 2}, "TestsFailedIndices" ->
{}, "TestsFailedWrongResultsIndices" -> {},
"TestsFailedWithMessagesIndices" -> {}, "TestsFailedWithErrorsIndices" ->
{}|>], TestReportObject[<|"Title" -> "Test Report: test2.mt",
"TimeElapsed" -> Quantity[0.27, "Seconds"], "TestsSucceededCount" -> 1,
"TestsFailedCount" -> 1, "TestsFailedWrongResultsCount" -> 1,
"TestsFailedWithMessagesCount" -> 0, "TestsFailedWithErrorsCount" -> 0,
"Aborted" -> False, "TestResults" -> <|1 ->
TestResultObject[<|"TestIndex" -> 1, "TestID" -> None, "Outcome" ->
"Failure", "Input" -> HoldForm[1 + 2], "ExpectedOutput" -> HoldForm[2],
"ActualOutput" -> HoldForm[3], "ExpectedMessages" -> {}, "ActualMessages"
-> {}, "AbsoluteTimeUsed" -> Quantity[0.000114`2.2074198491684665,
"Seconds"], "CPUTimeUsed" -> Quantity[0.00011300000000025179, "Seconds"],
"MemoryUsed" -> Quantity[56, "Bytes"]|>], 2 ->
TestResultObject[<|"TestIndex" -> 2, "TestID" -> None, "Outcome" ->
"Success", "Input" -> HoldForm[Cos[2*Pi]], "ExpectedOutput" ->
HoldForm[1], "ActualOutput" -> HoldForm[1], "ExpectedMessages" -> {},
"ActualMessages" -> {}, "AbsoluteTimeUsed" ->
Quantity[0.000122`2.23687482850674, "Seconds"], "CPUTimeUsed" ->
Quantity[0.00012000000000012001, "Seconds"], "MemoryUsed" -> Quantity[56,
"Bytes"]|>]|>, "TestsSucceededIndices" -> {2}, "TestsFailedIndices" ->
{1}, "TestsFailedWrongResultsIndices" -> {1},
"TestsFailedWithMessagesIndices" -> {}, "TestsFailedWithErrorsIndices" ->
The results are given as a single JSON object that corresponds to each TestReportObject.
$ ./mathematica-test-runner -R json test
"filetitle":"Test Report: test1.mt",
"fullTitle":"Test Report: test1.mt - test1-1",
"filetitle":"Test Report: test1.mt",
"fullTitle":"Test Report: test1.mt - test1-2",
"filetitle":"Test Report: test2.mt",
"fullTitle":"Test Report: test2.mt - None",
"expected":"expected 2 to equal 3",
"expectedMessages":"expected {} to equal {}"
"filetitle":"Test Report: test2.mt",
"fullTitle":"Test Report: test2.mt - None",
"filetitle":"Test Report: test1.mt",
"fullTitle":"Test Report: test1.mt - test1-1",
"filetitle":"Test Report: test1.mt",
"fullTitle":"Test Report: test1.mt - test1-2",
"filetitle":"Test Report: test2.mt",
"fullTitle":"Test Report: test2.mt - None",
"filetitle":"Test Report: test2.mt",
"fullTitle":"Test Report: test2.mt - None",
"expected":"expected 2 to equal 3",
"expectedMessages":"expected {} to equal {}"
The TAP reporter emits lines for a Test-Anything-Protocol consumer.
$ ./mathematica-test-runner -R tap test
ok 1 Test Report: test1.mt test1-1
ok 2 Test Report: test1.mt test1-2
not ok 3 Test Report: test2.mt None
# Verification Error: expected 2 to equal 3
ok 4 Test Report: test2.mt None
# tests 4
# pass 3
# fail 1
# skip 0
The JUnit reporter gives the results as XML compatible with JUnit/XUnit reporters.
$ ./mathematica-test-runner -R junit test
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<testsuites name='Mathematica Tests'
<testsuite name='Root Suite'
time='0' />
<testsuite name='Test Report: test1.mt'
<testcase name='test1-1'
time='0.000148' />
<testcase name='test1-2'
time='0.000099' />
<testsuite name='Test Report: test2.mt'
<testcase name='None'
<failure><![CDATA[Verification Error: expected 2 to equal 3]]></failure>
<testcase name='None'
time='0.000109' />