> composer require lucid/writer
Write a 2 line text block:
use Lucid\Writer\Writer;
$writer = new Writer;
echo $writer->dump(); //"foo\nbar"
By defatault, the Writer will remove trailing spaces at the end of each line.
You may override this behavior by calling the allowTrailingSpace()
use Lucid\Writer\Writer;
$writer = new Writer;
$writer->allowTrailingSpace(true); // will now preserve trailing space chars for each line.
The default indentation level is 4 spaces.
If you require a different level using spaces, you'll have to specify this on the. constructor:
use Lucid\Writer\Writer;
$writer = new Writer(2);
echo $writer->dump(); //"foo\n bar"
You may also change spaces to tabs using the useTabs()
use Lucid\Writer\Writer;
$writer = new Writer;
// …
Output indentation indents the whole block and is applied just before the
string is being dumped. The value passed to setOutputIndentation(int $level)
acts as a multiplyer.
Fluent methods:
writeln(string|null $str
Adds a line.
Adds an indentation.
replaceln( string $str, int $index)
Replaces a line at a line index.
removeln(int $index
Removes a line at a line index.
popln (void
Removes the last line.
appendln (string $str
Appends a string to the last line.
None fluent methods:
ignoreNull(bool $ignore
) Don't add a line if$str
. Default is on. -
allowTrailingSpace(bool $space
) Allow/Disallow traling space chars. Default is off. -
) Use Tabs for indentation instead of spaces. -
setOutputIndentation(int $level
) Sets the output indentation level of the whole text block. The level value increments the indentation by one indent, e.g.0
is no additional indentation,1
is one indent, etc. Default is0
. -
) Gets the output indentation level. (seeWriter::setOutputIndentation()
Dump PSR-2 compliant php source code.
There're three object generators, InterfaceWriter
, ClassWriter
, and TraitWriter
All object generators share a common API.
- setParent(
string $parent
This is a one time operation. Once the parent is set, you cannot change it.
name must be the FQN of the parent interface or class.
- addUseStatement(
string $use
Adds a use statement to the php document. Naming conflicts will automatically
be resolved, however you can set your own alias by declating the import like
this \Acme\Foo as FooAlias
. By default Acme\Lib\Foo
will become LibFoo
or AcmeLibFoo
, or AcmeLibFooAlias
, and so on.
Note that the use statement is considered to be the FQN;
- getImportResolver( )
Will return an instance of Lucid\Writer\Object\ImportResolver
This is useful if you need to know the aliases name of a imported string
(interface, trait, parent class or usestatement), e.g.
$alias = $cg->getImportResolver()->getAlias('Acme\MyClass') // e.g. AcmeMyClassAlias;
addConstant(Lucid\Writer\Object\Constant $constant
Adds a constant to the interface.
addMethod(Lucid\Writer\Object\MethodInterface $method
Takes an object of type Lucid\Writer\Object\MethodInterface
and adds it to
the object declaration.
Returns an instance of Lucid\Writer\Object\DocBlock
that represents the
document level docblock.
Returns an instance of Lucid\Writer\Object\DocBlock
that represents the
object level docblock.
noAutoGenerateTag( void )
By default, the objectwriter will add a timestamp to the document level docblock. Use this if you wan't to deactivate this behavior.
Use this for autogenerating php interfaces.
use Lucid\Writer\Object\ClassWriter;
$iw = new InterfaceWriter('Foo', 'Acme', '\Acme\Parent');
file_put_contents('Acme/Foo.php', $iw->generate());
Results in:
* This file was generated at 2014-07-08 12:23:22.
namespace Acme;
* @interface Foo
* @see Acme\Parent
interface Foo extends Parent
- addMethod(
Lucid\Writer\Object\MethodInterface $method
Takes an object of type Lucid\Writer\Object\InterfaceMethod
and adds it to
the interface.
Use this to generate php classes.
use Lucid\Writer\Object\ClassWriter;
$cg = new ClassWriter('Foo', 'Acme');
file_put_contents('Acme/Foo.php', $cg->generate());
Results in:
* This file was generated at 2014-07-08 12:23:22.
namespace Acme;
* @class Foo
class Foo
In addition to the InterfaceWriter:
addTrait(string $trait
) Takes a FQN of a trait and adds it as a trait. Traits will be automatically added to the use statements list, except they're belong to exact same namespace of the class. -
addInterface(string $interface
) Adds an interface. Will be automatically added to the class imports. -
setAbstract(boolean $abstract
) Toggle this class abstract. -
addMethod(MethodInterface $method
) Takes an object of typeMethod
and adds it to the class. -
setProperties(array $properties
) Set the class properties.$properties
must be an array ofLucid\Writer\Object\Property
instances. -
addProperty(Lucid\Writer\Object\Property $property
) Takes an object of typeLucid\Writer\Object\Property
and adds it as a class property. -
useTraitMethodAs(string $trait
,string $method
,string $replacement
,[string $visibility]
) Replaces a method naming conflict between a trait an a class. Default visiblity ispublic
. -
replaceTraitConflict(string $trait
,string $conflict
,string $method
) Replaces a method conflict between two traits.
Generating a class with constants, methods, properties, and traits.
use Lucid\Writer\Writer;
use Lucid\Writer\Object\Constant;
use Lucid\Writer\Object\Argument;
use Lucid\Writer\Object\Method;
use Lucid\Writer\Object\Property;
use Lucid\Writer\Object\ClassGenerator;
$cg = new ClassGenerator('Foo', 'Acme');
$cg->addProperty(new Property('foo', Property::IS_PRIVATE, 'string'));
$cg->addConstant(new Constant('T_ASW', '42', 'int'));
$cg->addMethod($method = new Method('__construct', Method::IS_PUBLIC, Method::T_VOID));
// declare method:
$method->addArgument(new Argument('foo', Method::T_STRING, 'null'));
$method->setBody('$this->foo = $foo;');
// Add traits:
$cg->addTrait($foo = 'Acme\Lib\Traits\FooTrait');
$cg->addTrait($bar = 'Acme\Lib\Traits\BarTrait');
// resolve trait conflicts:
$cg->useTraitMethodAs($foo, 'getFoo', 'getFooStr', Method::IS_PRIVATE);
$cg->replaceTraitConflict($bar, $foo, 'getBar');
// modify the class doc.
->setDescription('Some class.')
->setLongDescription("Some more info on the class.\nSome more lines.")
->addAnnotation('author', 'Thomas Appel <[email protected]>');
echo $cg->generate();
Results in
* This file was generated at 2014-07-09 02:07:42.
namespace Acme;
use Acme\Lib\Bar;
use Acme\Lib\Traits\BarTrait;
use Acme\Lib\Traits\FooTrait;
* Some class.
* Some more info on the class.
* Some more lines.
* @class Foo
* @see Acme\Lib\Bar
* @author Thomas Appel <[email protected]>
class Foo extends Bar
use FooTrait,
BarTrait {
FooTrait::getFoo as private getFooStr;
BarTrait::getBar insteadof FooTrait;
/** @var int */
const T_ASW = 42;
/** @var string */
private $foo;
* Constructor.
* @param string $foo
public function __construct($foo = null)
$this->foo = $foo;
Behaves like the ClassWriter
except there're no constants and interfaces.
Setting method bodies is up to you. However, if you rely on class base names that have been imported you can utilize the import resolver to determine the actual shortname that's used on the object writer.
Also see the Shared API section.
// $cl beeing the object writer instance.
$body = 'return new '.$cl->getImportResolver()->getAlias('Acme\MyClass').';';